In this article, I will answer the question if you can build your Zettelkasten in Evernote.
Should You Build Your Second Brain in Bear?
Bear is a popular note-taking app that works on the Apple Ecosystem.
Now comes the question: is Bear the right app to build your second brain?
Apple Notes As A Second Brain: Good Idea Or Not?
Should you be using Apple Notes as your second brain?
This is exactly what I’m going to answer in this article.
Let’s get started.
How to Get 100 Medium Followers in 2025 In 35 Days (Or Less)
How to Get 100 Medium Followers
in 2023 In 35 Days (Or Less)
by Matt Giaro
This article will show you how I’ve got 100 Medium Followers in just 35 days (and how YOU can do the same – or even better).
This stuff works in 2023 and is suitable for beginners.

But let me warn you: The tips that I’m going to give you require work.
Still excited? Then let’s get started.