If Your Content Sucks, It’s (Probably) Because Of This

By Matt Giaro

Here’s a better way to get more readers

“What the F*ck is going on here?”*

The ideas were all there, floating around in my head. I thought that all these ideas would produce kick-ass content.

But when I tried to put them on paper and write an article, they never looked as sexy as they did in my mind.

It felt like I was on the brink of something… but I just couldn’t reach it.

It took me years to break out of this circle. Let me show you what I did.

Ideas are the backbone of your content

The best way to make your content stand out is to come up with better ideas.

  • If you’re writing articles, the idea is the title.
  • If you’re writing short-form, the idea is the hook.
  • If you’re creating a course, the idea is the transformation.

Problem: it’s hard to find good ideas.

It’s easier to regurgitate someone else’s wisdom than to wrestle with your own thoughts and create something original. That’s why most people’s content is generic.

The best ideas are the ones that make you think, “Damn, I wish I’d thought of that.”

Your brain is a giant excuse-making machine

This is going to be embarrassing.

I used to think that great ideas came from perfect planning.

So I spent months, sometimes years, working on ideas in my head. I would flip them around and contemplate them from 300 different angles. I was telling myself that if I just thought about them long enough, they’d eventually turn into something brilliant.

It never happened.

I was stuck in a cycle of endless preparation with nothing to show for it. I piled up thousands of notes, but I had like 15 articles on my blog.


Give modern society standards the finger

Our society worships perfection and bragging about it on social media.

  • Perfect bodies
  • Perfect relationships
  • & ultimately… perfect content.

It drills into you that every idea must be flawless before you share it with the world.

You’ve been told to play it safe, to avoid mistakes at all costs, to only put out polished work. And that’s the real issue here.

Imperfection isn’t failure. It’s how we progress.

To find good ideas, you need to come up with a lot of garbage ideas.

You rarely come up with breakthrough ideas just out of the blue. It takes a lot of wrestling with your thoughts to strike gold.

Hack your brain to publish daily

My head sometimes feels like a pressure cooker.

But when I embrace imperfection, it takes the pressure off. So when I write something, my goal is never to create something perfect from the start. I’m just getting clear on my thoughts by putting them on paper and sharing them with others.

And the more I publish, the more clarity I get.

Clarity is a result, not a starting point.

Think of it like sculpting a block of marble. The shape is already there, but you need to chip away at it to reveal the final form. Each time you publish, you’re chipping away at the marble, uncovering new angles and details that you couldn’t see before.

Ideas don’t get refined in isolation — they get refined in action.

So what you really need is a way to consistently put your ideas out there.

The habit that will set you apart from 95% of your niche

Every day, I commit to publishing something on the internet.

It might be:

  • An email,
  • A blog article,
  • Or a YouTube video.

It doesn’t freaking matter.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be out there.

Do this consistently, and you’ll notice your ideas getting sharper, your confidence growing, and your ability to create improving.

This daily practice of publishing becomes your refining process.

You’ll find that over time, your ideas will naturally evolve into something valuable.

But it all starts with the simple act of putting them out there.

Idea generation is like a muscle. The more you train it, the better you become at it.

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