How to Start Writing Daily (Even if You Have a Full-Time Job)

By Matt Giaro

Writing daily is the best decision you can make to make money online.

The reason? Writing is a core component of the creator ecosystem.

By writing daily, you’ll automatically become better faster, and reach more people.

And when you know how to write, you can build an audience that cares about your knowledge and monetize it with digital products.

The tips I’ll share with you allowed me to write daily (even on bad days) and reach over a million reads online (and counting).

And yes, they’re fast and easy to implement. So stop making excuses and ignoring them.

1. Flush your brain for 10 minutes

I first thought this exercise was stupid.

But I’m an overthinker and always have too many ideas I can write about. As a result? I get paralyzed.

Are you stuck staring at the cursor blinking back at you like it’s judging your life choices?

That’s the problem—overthinking kills creativity. The antidote?

Just start writing. Some call it journaling. Others free writing. Who cares about the name?

Writing things down as they come to you allows your brain to work without judgment, sifting through mental clutter to find the gold nuggets.

Why does this work? Because it bypasses the perfectionist in you. It lets you explore freely to make connections you wouldn’t ordinarily make. It’s like turning on a tap and letting the water run until it’s clear.

Here’s how I do it:

I simply open a blank document in my note-taking app and set a timer for 10 minutes.

Then, I write down all my thoughts.

It’s like going to the bathroom, but for your brain.

2. Use writing maps

It’s hard to write content people engage with.

But it becomes way easier when you have a roadmap you can follow.

That’s why starting with some instructions to capture human attention makes writing so much easier.

Enter: templates.

They eliminate the friction of getting started. Imagine templates like training wheels on a bike—they help you keep your balance when you’re still shaky.

For instance, AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) guides you to first grab the reader’s:
– attention,
– stir interest,
– build desire,
– and then prompt action.

The PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution) model, on the other hand, lays down a clear path:
– introduce a problem,
– agitate that problem to make it more urgent,
– provide a solution. You’re not stumbling in the dark; you’re following a well-lit pathway.

Templates also bring focus to your scattered ideas. Rather than juggling structure and substance simultaneously, templates allow you to pour all your creative genius into enriching the content within that structure.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Decide on the content you want to create (like articles or social media posts).
  2. Analyze your favorite writer’s structure and craft some templates.

The goal is to spot the template behind the content.

You can also simply download the template I’ve been using for this article at this link and make it your own.

You don’t bring originality to the table by reinventing the structure. It rarely works out.

Instead, originality comes from your ideas.

3. Stop putting writing last

Ever caught yourself saying, “I’ll write when I find the time?”

Let me break it to you: That time will never come on its own. The problem is not a lack of time; it’s a lack of dedicated time.

Your solution is as straightforward as it sounds: carve out a specific time slot for writing.

I know what worked for me—writing in the pre-dawn hours when the rest of the household is asleep. It’s like owning a secret slice of the day when distractions are at all-time lows and your mind is clear as spring water.

Once baby boy is awake, it’s Armageddon.

So, why does this work? During these early hours, there’s less noise—both literally and metaphorically.

Just you and your words. Productivity prime time.

Identify a time slot that works best for you. It could be early mornings, late nights, or even a lunch break. Make it sacred. Put it on your calendar, set reminders, and do whatever it takes to protect this time.

You’ll never find time until you make it.

4. Write without a keyboard

It’s stupid when I think about it.

I get my best writing ideas when I can’t write. While driving, in the shower, or while taking a walk.

I feel the itch to write, but I’m miles away from a keyboard.

Sounds familiar?

The problem is that most people make the mistake of letting those ideas evaporate into the ether.

But just because you’re not in front of a computer doesn’t mean you can’t create content.

I have a secret weapon for this: an app called Otter.

On my daily walks, it captures my spoken words and transcribes them.

Later, I use ChatGPT to fine-tune this into a publishable piece.

Download a transcription app like Otter and start writing on the go.

5. Keep an idea library

Lack of preparation is a recipe for writer’s block.

Writing is not just about typing. It’s about thinking about what to write about first.

That’s why I like to prepare my writing sessions in advance.

There are two aspects to it:

  1. Ideas I have on the fly
  2. Ideas that I’ve saved and distilled from content I’ve consumed

When you take time to prepare your ideas before having to write about them, you’re making the process 10x easier.

The reason? I always have a stash of content ideas.

When it’s time to write, I just scroll through my note-taking app, pick an idea that resonates, and I’m off to the races.

But why does this approach work? Having a list of topics is like having a stocked pantry when you’re about to cook.

Everything you need is right there; you don’t have to make a last-minute grocery run, derailing your cooking plan. In the same way, a well-stocked list of ideas removes the friction of starting. You already know what you’re going to write about; all that’s left is the writing itself.

Get a dedicated note-taking app or use the good old pen and paper if that’s your jam.

Every time an idea pops into your head, or when you learn something new, jot it down, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the moment.

Capture your content ideas.

6. Give this habit the finger

How many times have you written a sentence, then deleted it, only to rewrite it, and delete it again?

Let me guess: more times than you care to admit. (Don’t ask me why I know…)

You want every word and every sentence, to be perfect right out of the gate. But that’s not how it works.

It’s not about writing a perfect piece from scratch. You have to start with crap first.

Editing is what turns the raw diamond into a polished piece.

Even great copywriters like Gary Halbert spend more time editing than writing.

Great writing isn’t about pristine first drafts. It’s about revising, cutting, and polishing a rough gem into a sparkling diamond.

Embracing imperfection liberates you from the self-imposed shackles of unattainable standards.

The fact is, your first draft is supposed to be messy, disjointed, even cringeworthy.

Don’t think about it. Just accept it.

Knowing you can and will improve it later removes the pressure, allowing your ideas to flow freely.

Write now, edit later.

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