Can I Use ChatGPT Content on My Website? (Definite Answer)

By Matt Giaro

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So, you’re thinking of using ChatGPT for your website’s content?

A push of a button and voilà—content at your fingertips.

Easy, right?

Not so fast, cowboy.

Yes, you can use ChatGPT content on your website without getting penalized by Google. But you need to use it the right way. Else, your content will be dull and tasteless.

Let’s pull back the curtain how to use ChatGPT the right way.

Using ChatGPT content on your website will not make you stand out

When you use ChatGPT straight out of the box, you’re playing with fire. The reason? You’re not the only one who’s got this bright idea. Scores of people are doing the exact same thing.

So, what sets you apart?

Not much. And that’s the rub.

ChatGPT functions by combing through a massive database of existing text. Which means that the ideas you’ll get out of the box will be average at best.

It’s a machine. It doesn’t think, feel, or have an epiphany over a morning coffee. It spits out text based on patterns it has seen.

But guess what? Patterns are inherently generic. They’re the lowest common denominator.

Let’s break it down with an example.

Assume you’re a career coach. You key in some buzzwords like “write an article about career advancement” into ChatGPT. What you get back is the job advice equivalent of fast food like a subsection about: “Improve your skills, network with people, be proactive.”

Seen it, read it, yawned at it.

That’s because ChatGPT doesn’t know your unique spin on career advancement. It doesn’t know that you tell your clients to leverage ‘office politics positively’ or ‘negotiate by adding value, not just demanding more.’

Your potential client, a high-achieving professional, scans your content. Does he stick around? No. You’ve become white noise, just like the other wannabes. There’s no hook, no fresh angle.

If you’re banking on ChatGPT to churn out your content, remember: machines don’t have flair or nuance. Your audience craves that authentic connection with you. Generic won’t make the cut. Stand out, or you’re out. It’s that simple.

Using chatGPT to write website content Faster

But ChatGPT isn’t completely useless.

That’d be like saying a hammer’s worthless because it can’t screw in a lightbulb.

ChatGPT has its place.

It’s a tool, and like any tool, it’s all about how you wield it. The key here? It’s gotta be your ideas. Otherwise, you’re just another face in the crowd, lost in a sea of sameness.

You want to write faster?

Use ChatGPT as a scribe, not as your brain. Get your thoughts straight, your angles sharp, and then let the machine do the heavy lifting. You dictate the narrative, set the pace, offer the unique insight. ChatGPT will just transcribe it into full sentences, paragraphs, even entire articles.

Let’s say you’re an expert in corporate leadership. You’ve got decades of experience transforming meek interns into boardroom titans.

Your secret sauce?

A blend of psychological tactics and unconventional wisdom that goes way beyond “Be assertive. Listen actively.”

You jot down these golden nuggets, plug ’em into ChatGPT, and what comes out? An article that screams ‘you.’ Only faster.

See, the machine won’t invent groundbreaking concepts. But it can serve them on a silver platter.

ChatGPT for Website Content: Nailing Your Tone

You’ve got the ideas, you’ve got the speed, but what about the tone? You can’t serve a five-star meal on a paper plate and expect rave reviews, right? Tone is what elevates your content from ‘readable’ to ‘unforgettable.’

It’s the seasoning on your content steak. Without it, you might as well be serving cardboard.

Tone is what makes the content sounds like you.

But here’s the catch—ChatGPT won’t just hand you the tone on a silver platter.


It’ll serve you vanilla every time unless you specify you want rocky road with sprinkles and a cherry on top. You’ve got to infuse your unique tone into what the machine churns out.

Here’s an example:

You’re an expert in sustainable living. Your trademark tone? Witty and a bit sarcastic.

So you don’t want to sound like a dry, technical manual when discussing compostable materials. You want zingers, punchlines, maybe even a pun or two. You input your content outline into ChatGPT, but then you fine-tune it. You pepper in expressions like, “Sure, compostable plastics are great, but if you think they’ll solve all our problems, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.”

When your audience reads that, they’re not just getting information. They’re getting an experience. They’re not just visitors; they become part of your tribe.

Your tone transforms your blog from a Wikipedia page into a fireside chat.

And that’s what keeps ’em coming back for more.

Tone isn’t just words; it’s the melody that makes the lyrics sing. You’re not using ChatGPT to be an average Joe. You’re using it to be the rock star of your niche.

That’s why you need to fine-tune ChatGPT’s output to sound like you.

My free course below will show you how:

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