Struggling to Find Your Niche? It’s Because of This Stupid Advice

By Matt Giaro

Fix your “niche problem” in 3 minutes

It hurts me when I see content gurus say:

  • “Be nicheless”
  • “You are the niche”
  • or “You don’t need a niche”

It’s like dropping someone in the middle of the desert without a map and telling them to find their way out.

Sure, they might stumble across an oasis eventually.

But the odds are they’ll wander around lost, dehydrated, and frustrated long before that happens.

The internet is brutal

It punches you harder than Mike Tyson in the 90s.

When you’re just getting started, nobody gives a damn about you.

Brutal? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

  • People don’t care about your passions.
  • They don’t give a damn about your dreams.
  • They don’t care about what you had for dinner.

Why should they listen to you? There are already thousands of other creators out there.

You start with little (or no) credentials, have no testimonials, and your follower count is embarrassing.

So you have to find a trick to hijack their brain.

Humans are selfish. They only care about themselves.

So the key to making people listen is to talk about them. Understand: Problems and desires.

Stand out in a 3-second world

When you believe the lie that you don’t need a niche, you’re all over the place.

Being all over the place means one thing: confusion.

And a confused mind doesn’t buy, read, or click.

You confuse yourself. And confuse your audience.

The internet gets flooded every minute with:

▪︎ 1,620 blogs ▪︎ 320,000 tweets ▪︎ 500 minutes of YouTube videos

So if you think that a few pieces here and there will help you build an audience, it’s time for a disturbing wake-up call.

You’ll need to pump out 100+ pieces to start getting some traction.

Brick by brick, you’ll become better. People will start discovering your work. They’ll start reading.

But if you’re talking about anything and everything, you’ll confuse them.

They won’t know what you stand for or what they can expect from you.

So the only way to stand out is to be laser-focused on one:

  • Audience
  • Problem
  • Solution

Then, write at least 100 times about it.

Introducing: The Micro Guru

This technique will help you conquer even the most saturated niche out there.

You can start applying it today.

Even though it won’t make you rich by next Thursday…

But if you’re really in for the long game, then it could probably propel you to the levels you’re secretly dreaming of.

I call it the ‘micro-guru’ approach.

Before digging into the details… Let’s face it: Your niche is probably overflowing with creators.

And if not, then it’s probably not a profitable one.

Competition means that the market is profitable — lack of competition is the fast lane to bankruptcy.

When I first started creating content, I was all over the place when it came to making money online. The reason is that I’ve been doing this for the past 15 years.

I’ve been doing:

  • Ecommerce
  • Freelancing
  • Consulting
  • Blogging
  • Paid ads
  • SAAS
  • etc.

Problem: the market is full of “make money online” bros.

So I niched down to content creation because that’s the only thing that stuck with me over the past 15 years.

I started creating content about that, and it still didn’t catch on.

My YouTube videos were stuck at 6 views per video.

So what did I do? I started talking about note-taking.

99% of content creators take notes. And this is finally where I started getting some traction. My YouTube videos amassed over 100,000 views.

And the same happened with my note-taking articles on Medium.

I channeled all that attention to an email list that grew from zero to 3,000 subscribers in 12 weeks. Then, I monetized it with an online course

Result = 5 figures.

Then I started expanding on content creation itself with email marketing, course creation, etc.

That’s what I call the “micro-guru” approach.

I became a micro-guru in a very specific sub-niche: note-taking, before expanding back to:

  • SEO & Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • Online course creation

Become a micro-guru, own a tiny sub-niche, then expand back.

It worked for me, and it’ll probably also work for you.

Want to monetize your expertise with online content? Get my free course below:

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