How to double your output by this week. Guaranteed.

The content creation game is changing.

Competition is through the roof. Spooky AI is already here, churning out content faster than your aching fingers.

The days when you could post a few times per week are gone.

If you want to build your freedom with internet money, there’s no secret: you need to create more quality content.

Here are 5 super-ways that I’m using every day to create content faster.

1. Hack your brain

There’s no such thing as having no time to create content.

All mental horse feces you’re making up.

Instead, it’s all about having enough mental bandwidth. Everyone has a spare hour to invest in creating. The problem? Your brain zones out.

So if you want to be consistent, you simply need to adjust the way you think about creating. Get more mental juice.

The first step is simple: stop doing 532 things at the same time. Instead, do one thing. But do it well.

Enter: batching.

Think of it as cooking your entire week’s meals in one go, except the meals are your tasks. Ever heard about flow? It allows you to be 10 times more efficient. The only drawback is that flow requires a heat period. If you constantly switch between tasks, you’re short-circuiting your brain every time you switch and draining your mental juice faster than squeezing a lemon.

Do more of the same tasks at the same time. It’s like chopping all your veggies for the week in one go.

Create a weekly schedule and batch similar tasks together. Place all your brainstorming sessions on one day. Create on another. And edit on another too.

Batching is like content creation Viagra, but for your brain.

2. Writing Your First Draft as You’re Reading

Doing research before you start typing is a huge time-sucker.

Instead, turn your reading time into an endless library of first drafts to never start with a blank slate.

This is where the magic of a note-taking system comes in.

When you’re reading an article or watching a video and see something that strikes a chord? Don’t just nod and move on. Save it and rewrite it in your own words to make the idea yours.

That’s raw material for your next piece of content.

By the time you need to write an article or create a course, you’re not starting from scratch—you’ve got a treasure trove to plunder.

It’s about removing the barrier between consumption and creation.

Instead of reading an article and then separately sitting down to write, you’re blending the two.

Save and rewrite interesting snippets. When it’s time to create, all you’ve got to do is copy, paste, and polish.

Easier to start that way.

3. Repurpose your best ideas without shame

Most people won’t remember your content in a week from now (if you’re lucky).

Welcome to internet ADD.

Here’s where recycling comes in. No, I’m not talking about turning plastic bottles into park benches. I mean taking your existing content and giving it new life.

Turn your:
– articles into social media posts (turn each section into a “tip”)
– articles into a podcast episode (read the darn article)
– videos into articles (script the video first)

That’s how I got started on Medium back in November 2022. I recycled this video into this article.

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made without racking my brain.

Stop reinventing the wheel each time. Capitalize on what you’ve already created because most people won’t remember.

The best way to get started is by creating a backlog of all your work. Every article, video, podcast—put it in a repository. Gems shouldn’t be buried or hosted on a big tech platform that bans you whenever they like. Dig into your treasure chest and breathe new life into your older works.

I save all my work within my note-taking app: Obsidian.

I tie back the content I create to my original micro-ideas so that I can easily retrieve each tiny bit in the future.

This allows me to see how I expressed the same idea, in different ways (and potentially, recycle it).

By recycling, you’re not being lazy; you’re being incredibly smart.

4. Use content cheat codes

Are you the kind of person who likes to build furniture without reading the manual?

Then you’re familiar with that sinking feeling of reaching the end and realizing you’ve got extra screws and no idea where they go.

Content creation isn’t different. Working without a blueprint is a recipe for time wastage and mounting frustration.

Enter: templates.

They’re like the culinary equivalent of meal kits. You know, the ones that come with pre-measured ingredients and straightforward instructions. It’s foolproof. Likewise, your content doesn’t need to reinvent the genre; it just needs to be engaging and effective.

Good news! Smart peeps have already figured it out. Ever heard about AIDA or PAS? If not, Google those copywriting structures and create your piece, following the framework like a donkey.

Today I create content in just 2 hours a day because I’m using those darn templates for everything:
– emails
– articles
– course launches
– you name it.

Create templates for the types of content you produce most frequently: blog posts, emails, video scripts, whatsoever.

Keep them handy: in your notes or even within your text expander.

Before you dive into your next piece, open up the matching template. Fill it out with your ideas. Done.

5. Build a Repo of Ideas on the Go

Your best ideas don’t knock on your door when you’re sitting at a desk.

They barge in when you’re taking a shower, driving, or on a mindless walk. So, catch those flashes of brilliance on the fly. Don’t try to remember them for your next writing session – you won’t.

When I’m in front of a keyboard, I have no creative ideas whatsoever. So I simply open up my saved ideas and run with one of them.

Use a note-taking app to jot down every fleeting thought that could turn into content gold.

Next time you sit down to write, you won’t be staring at a blank screen.

Here are 2 free courses I’ve created that will help (feel free to pick one)

  1. How to turn your notes into online content (click here)

  2. How to monetize your expertise with digital products (click here)