3 Offers That Can Make You $5,000 As A Writer (Even With a Small Audience)

By Matt Giaro

3 offers to make money with small audience

Copy these today

Most writers are broke.

They think they need 1000s of people on their email list to start making good money.

But I’ve been making a full-time income on the internet since 2014.

And I’ve NEVER had a big audience.

My email lists mostly ranged between 2,000–8,000 subscribers.

Here are 3 offers that can help you make $5,000 online (even with a small audience.)

Stop being a cheap bastard

I know this is going to trigger some of you.

But when you’re just starting out, you’re tempted to charge low prices to attract clients. You think that you can only sell a $50 self-paced course because your guru does this.

It’s a race to the bottom.

Here’s why: Only 1% of your email list is going to take you up on your offer.

Now, do the math.

If you have 1,000 email subs, that’s 10 sales. Now, multiply this by $50.

Feels like a kick in the testicles, right?

That’s why, when you’re small, you NEED to charge more. I’m not saying to charge crazy prices nobody’s going to pay for or require you to morph into a high-pressure phone closer.

I’m talking about a price point that’s high enough to make the math work, and still sound like a damn good deal for your audience.

Take me for example. Most content gurus charge $800+ for 30 minutes of coaching. If you’d like them to turn into your mentor, you’d pay at least 5 to 10 grand a month.

So what do I do? I charge $1–2k a month.

Bottom line: Offer premium services. Work with clients who are serious about getting results.

But it all starts in your head. So, stop being a cheap bastard.

The secret to create profitable content

I don’t care about niche.
I don’t care what you sell.
I don’t care how great you are.

The secret to making money online is:

A clear, measurable outcome in a specific timeframe.

This is what makes people pull out their credit cards:

  • Get a job in 90 days.
  • Write a book in 60 days.
  • Lose 10 pounds in 30 days.
  • Build your first app in 14 days.

I like to keep timeframes from 7–90 days.

The timeframe depends on your niche. But there has to be one.

If you don’t have a clear outcome, you can’t command higher prices. A mistake I see many people make is they use overhyped words that mean nothing like:

  • Be in better shape
  • Boost your creativity
  • Elevate your mindset
  • Reach your full potential
  • Supercharge your productivity

What the heck does that mean?

All it means is you aren’t clear about what you’re really helping your audience to do. It’s confusing. And a confused mind never buys.

Instead, say:

  • Lose 10 cm of belly fat
  • Get 53 content ideas in 10 minutes
  • Cut down your YouTube video editing from 10 hours to 30 minutes

Make sure your offer has a clear, measurable outcome in a specific timeframe.

Offer #1: Profit from laziness

You’re lazy. I’m lazy. We are all lazy dumbasses.

People don’t want to get their hands dirty. They want to keep their clothes Tide clean. So they pay someone else to do it for them.

This is why done-for-you services are so lucrative.

You can charge anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month for them.

Some examples of done-for-you services are:

  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Social media ghostwriting

Does this have limits? Yes.

But you could even make this work in weight loss. Sure, you can’t lose fat for them. But you can do all the other stuff like find them local services that are going to deliver healthy meals, etc.

Get creative.

Offer #2: 92% of writers don’t do this

This is the most profitable offer you can create.

It’s also the most hated offer by people who suffer from imposter syndrome & are die-hard introverts (like me.)

It’s 1-1 coaching.

The reason why people are willing to pay you $1,000 for 2 hours of coaching is because of the proximity.

It’s the same reason why you pay more for groceries at your local store than at Walmart.

People are willing to pay because they know that:

  • You’ll hold them accountable.
  • You’ll answer their specific questions.
  • You’ll help them with their specific problems.

It’s one of the best ways to monetize a small audience because it’s not only profitable… But it also allows you to better understand your audience. Every time I jump on a call with a coaching client, I get 3 to 5 content ideas out of it.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I used to hate coaching. The problem isn’t coaching. The problem is that you get on calls with the wrong people.

You know the ones who:

  • Don’t listen.
  • Can’t afford you.
  • Aren’t willing to put in the work.

You can’t help these people. And the more you try, the more frustrated you get.

The solution is to be picky with who you let even book a coaching session with you.

I only jump on the phone with the right people. How do I do that? By what I call “subscriber sifting.” I carefully sift out everyone I don’t want.

I frequently:

  • Go on a rant
  • Expose my contrarian views (that piss off the breed of people I don’t want)
  • And also ask them very specific questions on the coaching application form.

I don’t get thousands of coaching requests. Not because I don’t know how to get flooded. But because I don’t want to.

I only work with 3–5 clients at a time. And I’m fully booked.

I don’t waste my time on stupid Zoom calls with people who need to get sold. They’re sold before even booking.

With the right people, coaching is nothing else than a chat with a friend in a coffee shop.

I’ve created a free checklist with all the tools I use to set up these high-converting offers. (Most of them are free.) Click here to get it for free

Offer #3: The one I like the most

I’m addicted to making money with online courses.

They are digital assets that will make you money for years.

But the classical path to command higher prices with your courses is flawed. It’s about creating flagship courses, with 23 hours of video, 34 different PDFs, and 211 lessons.

They’re long to create and daunting to launch. And 92% of humans never finish courses.

That’s why I like to create mini-courses: they’re usually 1-3 hours short. And they take you less than 10 hours to create and launch.

These courses can sell from $50–$400.

To make a decent living out of it, you need ~3,000 email subs on your list.

If your list is smaller than that, simply bundle in 4-6 weeks of group coaching or email support and put a $500 price tag on it.

All you do is simply show up each week for 30 minutes on Zoom and answer questions.

That way, you can easily double your prices for just 2 hours of extra work.

Group coaching calls are a great way to get people to ask questions and get more personalized help.

It also makes the course feel more valuable because people know they’re going to get access to you.

The only catch to all of this

I’m not going to lie.

These offers can make you good money only if you have an audience that trusts you.

The best way to do that is by sharing valuable content consistently.

I write daily emails. Each email delivers an insight. Does it piss off the inbox zero nazis? Yes. But it also helps me build a stronger relationship with those actively looking forward to reading my emails.

You don’t need a BIG audience to make money. You just need the RIGHT people on your list.

Now, do what you want with this info.

Most people will think “Sounds cool.” But will never actually put in the reps.

Don’t be one of these losers.

I’ve created a free checklist with all the tools I use to set up these high-converting offers. Click here to get it for free

FREE Email Course