Want To Make More Money With Emails? This Simple System Shows You…

How to Generate Passive Income on Autopilot With Automated Emails

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you’d like to know how to set up a powerful email welcome sequence to build trust, establish you as a leader, and sell your products on autopilot, then this page will show you how.

Can You Relate?

👉 You don’t know how to write engaging emails that will ethically make money (without being a jerk)

👉 You know that ‘money’s in the list, but you don’t really know how to make this happen on complete “autopilot”

👉 You have the feeling that writing emails takes too much time and procrastinate on writing them

If the answer is “yes” to any of the above,
read this page carefully.

How Passive Income From Emails Gave Me Freedom

10 years ago, I was a dead-broke student and had just finished reading the 4-hour workweek.

I was completely sold on the internet lifestyle.

But I had no clue how to make it happen.

It took me 4 painful years to finally start generating an income that would actually pay my rent and cover my expenses…

And emails were a major part of the breakthrough that finally gave me freedom.

The reason? 

I write them once, and they work for me 24/7.

Unlike social media, an email list is something YOU OWN and your audience is not hostage to a platform.

Life was good. I had no boss. I could work from wherever I wanted.

But then, something happened.

One day, I started to feel some pain that went from the lower back to my right big toe.

The pain worsened the more the days passed.

Ultimately, I wasn’t able to sit nor walk anymore.

I rushed to the hospital, lying down in the back of my friend’s car.

And after spending painful long days waiting to get an MRI spot, the verdict: I needed surgery. 

My L5/S1 nerve was completely pinched.

I was two inches away from being paralyzed from the bottom down.

This is when I realized that creating content and writing emails is great…

But adding passive income to the mix is crucial.

Because life is unpredictable.

And sometimes, shit hits the fan.


The reason? Email has been around for decades. 

And it still outperforms social media to generate sales by miles.

Just look at the data:

But in order to harness the full potential of building passive income with emails, you need to stop focusing on the wrong things.

What am I talking about?

You see, most people focus on stuff like “what subject lines to write” to “hack” their open rates.

All this is good.

But all this is 80/20 work.

It sucks out 80% of their time, bringing in (at best) 20% of the results.

Instead, the real deal is on focusing on your content.

You can’t build a relationship by simply “hacking” the subject line.

People ain’t stupid.

If your “subject-line-hack” works but your email stinks… they’ll never read from you again.

Want to earn more from emails?

Then don’t turn your emails into a snoozefest.

Behind every email is a human being.

This is why working with empathy is way more efficient than working on subject lines.

How do you do that? Simple.

You start building a relationship with the very first emails you send.

This is called a welcome series…

A welcome series is a series of emails people get once they sign up for your list.

It’s their first impression of your name, brand, and business.

And as the saying goes:

You NEVER get a second chance to make a good FIRST impression!

When you don’t have a well-crafted welcome series:

❌ People ignore your emails

❌ People flag you as SPAM

❌ People will never buy from you (and they will spend their money with your competitors.)

Smart creators use their welcome series to make a strong personal connection to their new subscribers and generate income on complete autopilot.


It’s not about being a jerk.

It’s about finding a simple and elegant way to “indoctrinate” people who just joined your email list.

Here’s how to do it:

First, you need to be visible.

This means that if your subscribers don’t see your emails in the first place, they won’t be able to buy anything from you…

Second, you need to earn their trust.

Your emails should breathe your personality and show them that you know what you’re talking about.

Third, you need to be perceived as an authority figure.

Fourth, you want to ethically present an offer to them that they’ll be happy to buy.

You see, having only one of these ingredients won’t do the cut.

You need all of them.

This is exactly what a well-crafted welcome sequence allows you to do.

First, it makes people open your emails.

Building a strong narrative that makes people curious and open your emails.

This sends great signals to Email Service Providers like Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc. It increase the likelihood of your emails not getting trapped in SPAM/Promo tab. And thus, skyrocket your visibility in their inbox.

Second, it allows people to trust you.

Trust is one of the most (yet underrated) levers to stand out in a society where most businesses have no scruples to rip off their customers and not give a damn about them.

When you send emails the right way, trust becomes an inevitable byproduct.

Third, it also allows you to establish credibility.

When you have a well-crafted email sequence, it’s easy to be perceived as a thought leader (or “big player”) in your niche.

A well-crafted welcome sequence helps you do all those three things at once.

Yet, most creators don’t know how to do it.

But it doesn’t have to be your case!

This is the reason why I’ve created…


A Self-Paced Online Course That Shows You Exactly

The step-by-step process to create a powerful email welcome series to build trust, establish you as a leader and make money on autopilot

How to get your emails READ

👉 What EXACTLY you have to say in the first email to ensure your next emails get opened (get this wrong and people probably won’t read any of your other emails again.)

👉  The single BEST TIME to send your emails (to ensure people actually read them!)

👉 The PSYCHOLOGICAL LEVERS you have to pull to trigger engagement and curiosity (so that your expertise don’t fall to deaf ears)

👉 The exact type of LEAD MAGNET you should create to BOOST your open-rates

Exactly how to WRITE YOUR EMAIL FAST… (Even if you’re a complete n00b and slow typer)

👉 My exact process to get the emails written (almost) by themselves (This works extremely well when you don’t have a LOT of time to dedicate to it and have a busy full-time job!)

👉  The exact step-by-step process to craft your email welcome series from SCRATCH (even if you’ve NEVER written a high-converting email in the past)

👉 The simple trick I use to BEAT PROCRASTINATION and OVERTHINKING when writing a new welcome sequence (and STOP missing out on sales every day!)

👉 The MOST POWERFUL TOOL I use to write a welcome sequence FAST (in a matter of days and NOT weeks!)

How to FORMAT your emails the right way…

👉 HTML vs. emails with images: What to choose and precisely why. (You’ll save DOZENS of hours with this tip alone)

👉 The PSYCHOLOGY behind what to say in your welcome series (so that people look at you as someone they can genuinely trust – even if they never met you before.)

👉 How MANY emails should your ideal welcome series have?

👉 Why you don’t need to spend most of your time WRITING the emails themselves… (and where you should focus 80% of your attention instead.)

And ultimately: How to MAKE MOOLAH with your emails…

👉 How to AVOID useless tire kickers and get them off your list IMMEDIATELY (so that they don’t WASTE your precious time asking for “free advice”)

👉 Exactly how to FORMAT format your emails for QUICK PROFITS

👉 The SIMPLE rule of thumb to follow so that you can MAKE MONEY with almost EVERY email (& without looking sleazy)

👉 In which email should you sell and which not? (The answer might surprize you…)

👉 How to EFFORTLESSLY IMPROVE your welcome series day after day to get higher opens, clicks, and sales!

👉 Exactly how to frame your “sales pitch” to avoid f* bombs and get rid of people who’re p*ssed off that you’re making a pitch

👉 The simple (and elegant way) to ask for the sale on the first email (Believe it or not, I can’t count how many people buy just from that one alone!) 

👉 How to use my “please unsubscribe method” to get rid of freebie seekers and bond new subscribers to you right away (that will also BOOST your email deliverability AND open-rates)

Plus a whole bunch of other email marketing secrets to help you maximize your passive income like:

👉  The single BEST TIME to send your emails (to ensure people actually read them!)

👉Which AUTORESPONDER do I recommend to send out your welcome series (save hundreds of dollars each year… by starting with the best platforms and NOT wasting dozens of hours hopping back-and-forth to providers).  Hint: it’s NOT ConvertKit!

👉 Exactly how to gently pitch your offers to avoid p*ssed off subscribers sending you f* bombs because you’re selling something

👉 Why you should NEVER OFFER EBOOKS as a lead magnet (and exactly what to offer instead that takes way LESS time to create and is WAY MORE effective for your audience.)

By the end of this Training You’ll:

✅ Have your own welcome sequence that attracts, sorts, and converts leads in to sales based on this proven step-by-step system.  

✅ Start building your list full of people who’ll reply to and engage with your emails and VALUE your expertise.

✅ Be able to build as many sequences as you want: for different products, businesses, etc.

✅ Make money on autopilot because your emails will do all the heavy lifting for you!


👉 You don’t have time (because you’ll learn how to craft those emails blazingly fast)

👉 You don’t know where to start (because I’ll provide you with my exact step-by-step process)

👉 You’ve never written an email sequence in your whole life (because all you need to do is fill in the blanks based on the templates I’ll provide.)

what Real people say about my emails:

Here’s What You’ll Get:

2 hours+ of bite-sized video lessons (including bonuses)

Join Today And Get ALL The Following Bonuses:



Writing an email from scratch is daunting.

It’s easier when you have simple to follow templates that you can populate with your ideas. In this bonus, you’ll get the templates I’m personally using in my welcome sequence so that you only have to fill in the blanks.

You’ll write engaging emails faster…no wasting time trying to figure out what you’re going to say or how to say it.



If you want to build a list of hungry buyers, your lead magnet is crucial.

Done right, it will attract high-quality subscribers. Done wrong it will turn people off.

But coming up with a great lead magnet idea is tough.

This bonus will give you a very specific 246-word prompt that you can use with ChatGPT to come up with KILLER lead magnet ideas your audience will resonate with in just 34 seconds. (I never shared that one publicly and until now, I kept it in my private database…)

By using this prompt, you’ll be sure to find one lead magnet idea you can use to fill up your list with the right subscribers.



Your landing page is the entry door to your newsletter.

And the easiest way to double the number of people who’ll subscribe to your list is to set up a high converting landing page.

Easily pull in 30,40,or even 50% more subscribers overnight with the same traffic.

But creating a landing page can be overwhelming. 

This bonus course will show you exactly how to set up a high converting (and great-looking) landing page from scratch in just 8 minutes.

What you’ll discover:

✓A sneaky trick to increase the number of conversions (This technique allowed me to get showcased on a 7,126 list for free.)

✓The 5 things your landing page needs to start pulling in subscribers

✓The fastest way to set up your landing page (especially when you’re getting started)

✓The exact skeleton I build all my landing pages with for maximum conversion



Create your own passive income machine using emails that turn strangers into fans (& buyers)

Get it live by next weekend like Bernard:

1️⃣ One-Time Payment. 🔄 Lifetime updates.

ONLY $197

🔐 ✅ The checkout process is fast and secure


Reason 1: Value your time

How much time, energy, and money did you already lose trying to write a welcome sequence.

A few hours here and there?

Okay. And how much is your time worth?

Let’s say $150. Simply do the math…

If all this course did is provide you with a simple step by step system to save you 90 minutes (which it will) it will already have paid for itself.

Reason 2: Cheaper than hiring a copywriter

Your emails aren’t generating as much passive income as you want.

What if instead of learning the stuff for yourself you just hired an email copywriter?

How much copywriters charge to create a welcome series for you? At the lower end, at least $500 for an unexperienced copywriter…

Not to mention all the hassle that comes with outsourcing: finding the right person, etc.

You can get rid of all this hassle and master the skills and use them to build as many sequences as you want!

Reason 3: How much money are you leaving on the table?

How many people are signing up to your email list each week?

If you don’t have an email series that sells your product than you’re leaving them empty handed. How many sales did you miss simply because you left your subscribers to themselves?

Now, you can get access to my proven methodology that I’ve developed over the years and get all done at a FRACTION of the cost…

You’ll make the investment for this course back at LEAST 10 times…


I have total confidence that this course will help you turn your email subscribers into rabid fans and buyers!

But don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself for one FULL YEAR.

If after putting this course into practice you aren’t able to DOUBLE your sales and engagements from your email list, I’ll help you out personally to achieve that… and if nothing works out, then I’ll double your money back.

IF YOu’re serious…
There’s simply NO WAY you can lose!



Create your own passive income machine using emails that turn strangers into fans (& buyers)

Get it live by next weekend like Bernard:

1️⃣ One-Time Payment. 🔄 Lifetime updates.

ONLY $197

🔐 ✅ The checkout process is fast and secure


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8 / 5 (based on 121 students)


Ask before you buy : matt[at]mattgiaro.com

You can expect an answer within 24 hours.

As Seen On:



Create your own passive income machine using emails that turn strangers into fans (& buyers)

Get it live by next weekend like Bernard:

1️⃣ One-Time Payment. 🔄 Lifetime updates.

ONLY $197

🔐 ✅ The checkout process is fast and secure