Turn Your Notes Into Valuable Online Content to Share (& Monetize) Your Expertise

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you’re tired of sitting on a wealth of knowledge without ever being able to turn it into content… then this page will show you how to finally set up a well-oiled note-taking system to create better content, faster.

Can You Relate?

👉 Are you tired of merely saving notes without being able to produce content out of them?

👉 Would you like to discover the hidden connections between your ideas, put your own twist on them, and create content that stands out from the crowd?

👉 Are your notes a huge mess, scattered all over the place, and prevent you from achieving your goals?

👉 Are you tired of handling CONTRADICTORY INFORMATION online when it comes to what to do, how to classify, and what tools to use to build your second brain?

👉 Are you looking for a way to come up with a NEW, FRESHER, and BRIGHTER IDEAS than your competition?

👉 Are you afraid of setting up the wrong system (and thus losing weeks, months, or even years trying to figure out everything on your own)?

👉 Do you OVERTHINK, are OVERWHELMED and have a hard time making a decision about how to set up your second brain the right way?

👉 Are you PROCRASTINATING because you don’t know exactly how to get started?

👉 Are you struggling to find a way to finally MAKE SENSE of all the ocean of information you consume on a daily basis?

👉 Would you like to to ELEVATE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING so that it can reflect in your CONTENT (and propel you to be the OBVIOUS CHOICE in your market)?

👉 Do you have a HUGE AMOUNT OF NOTES sitting in your apps but don’t know how to make sense of them? (You may even have the feeling of getting drowned by your notes, and know that there’s is so much wasted potential sitting in there… If only you knew how to get the best out of them)

👉 Are you experiencing MENTAL FOGGINESS, FRUSTRATION, and DILUTED FOCUS because you don’t have a streamlined way to manage all your ideas (and information) in a rock-solid way?

If the answer is “✅ YES” to any of the above, read this page carefully.


If you’re a content creator, the answer is yes.

What I mean by content creator is someone who’s creating content in any form or shape (articles, books, presentations, videos, podcasts, whatsoever.)

As creators, we’re dealing with ideas every day.

But if you don’t have an effective process to work with your ideas, then you’re at a huge disadvantage.


Because not having a process to manage information is like trying to run a factory without machinery and raw materials.

And your factory does not produce physical goods… but ideas.

Listen: Your brain alone is not designed to handle all the information by itself. Neuroscientific research has shown that our memory is limited to +/- 7 things.

This is why we forget more than 90% of what we read. This is the reason why we need to create shopping lists.

And running your business on a brain that is designed to forget 90% of information is as stupid as riding a donkey if you could take a plane.

Sure, you could keep up and constantly re-learning new things… But until when?

If you agree with me, it’s safe to say that…

Creators who don’t have a rock-solid system to manage information are silently losing the game


❌ Waste time on never-ending research (and waste endless hours going down rabbit holes without producing anything significant at the end of the day)

❌ Don’t come up with creative and breakthrough ideas (and simply regurgitate what the gurus and the big players already said, in a less compelling way)

❌ Rely on ”inspiration” to create content (and fail to create on the bad days)

❌ Struggle with consistency in creating content (and prematurely throw in the towel… leaving an empty boulevard for their competition to jump in and hijack their audience)

All this, compounded over time… leads to losing enthusiasm for what they do.

It makes the whole content creation process a heavy lift instead of a passion business.

This is the reason why…


Given the fact that your ideas are a result of what you’ve consumed in the past, you can’t rely on the limits of human memory to keep track of all of them.

Your best ideas are gone forever if you don’t take notes.

And if you don’t have a way to remember everything you come across, you can’t come up with ideas.

True, most creators consume a lot. But most of this consumption is nothing more than wasted time. Why? Because they don’t have a clear process.

At best, their process looks like this:

🍔 Consume ➡️
📥 Save ➡️
🤷 Forget

But let’s assume that you take Fish Oil to boost your neurons and that you’re better than the average Joe at remembering things…

Most of the time, when you recall something you read or learned, it’s vague, unclear, and sucks up a lot of mental bandwidth.

Definitely NOT the best way to create content, eh?

If you don’t have an Efficient process to Manage information,
you’re leaving money on the table!

And this solid process is called “a second brain”.

A second brain is a unique way to manage, store, retrieve, and create content ideas “on demand”.

A second brain is a unique way to manage, store, retrieve, and create content ideas “on demand”.








Here’s an example of How fast you’ll be able to create content:


Creating content is built on 2 axes:

  1. Consumption
  2. Creation

How fast you go from one axis to another determines your results as a content creator. This is where your second brain comes into play.

Think of your second brain as
that plugs between the 2 axes…

The more powerful your second brain, the easier it becomes for you to switch from one axis to another.

If you devote too much time to time-consuming information… Then you’ll never be able to crank out enough content to get traction and achieve your goals.

And if you spend too much time on creating and not enough time in consuming content… Then you’ll run out of content at one point or another.

You need to find the right balance between both axes.

In short, you need a rock-solid system to handle information to go from Consumption to Creation and vice-versa.

Now you have 2 choices.

Either try to find things out on your own… or by leveraging my own trial-and-error process.

In my honest (and biased opinion)…

Trying to figure things out for yourself is playing the game on hard mode!

What would you say if you could benefit from my decade of experience in content creation and note-taking to set up your second brain in days… instead of YEARS?

Don’t you think starting with the right process can make everything easier for you?

This is the reason why I’ve created this new course called:


An Online Course That will show you exactly everything you need to Build Your Second brain specifically, as a content creator


5 Easy-To-Follow Modules To Create Your Second Brain From Scratch
(Or Enhance The One You Already Have)
NEW UPDATE: Includes REAL-LIFE DEEP DIVES into Matt’s Second Brain


You can’t build a rock-solid workflow on weak foundations.
This introductory module will ensure you start on the right foot.

Some of what you’ll learn in this module includes:

👉 The Difference Between PKM, Zettelkasten, Second Brain, And Otter “Catchy” Terms. (Most People Don’t Know The Subtle Differences And Mix Everything Together Which Makes Them Not Achieving Anything Significant)

👉 The Most Underappreciated Productivity Principle (That You Probably Already Know But Rarely Apply) That Will Allow You To Cut Through The Noise And Become A Note-Maker Rather Than A Note-Taker

👉 Why Blindly Implementing Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten Is Stupid And A Waste Of Time (And What To Do Instead)

👉 Why Most Note-Taking Systems Are Doomed To Failure (And How To Set Up Yours To Succeed)

👉 The 2 Most Important Elements Of A Successful Note-Taking System (And How To Set Them Up Correctly)

👉 Why Chasing New Complicated Note-Taking Apps Won’t Move The Needle And Is Nothing Else Than A Waste Of Time (And What To Do Instead)

👉 How To Set Up A “Future Proof” Note-Taking System That Will Last With Your Entire Career as a content creator


Creating better content starts with consuming better quality information.
This module will show you how to level-up your consumption. You’ll learn more, by consuming less.

Some of what you’ll learn in this module includes:

👉 The Alternative Approach To Effective Information Management

👉 How To Escape The “Information Overload Treadmill” And Gain Back Your Mental Sanity And Focus

👉 How To Get Rid Of “Note Collection Fallacy” For Real

👉 My Stupid Simple Process To Consume Less But Better Quality Information To Come Up With Valuable Insights

👉 Why Reading The Latest Bestsellers is a Waste of Time (& the exact psychology behind it)

👉 The simple tricks and brain hacks to implement TODAY to free up more time by consuming less (without falling behind)

👉 What to systematically do when you have the temptation of reading, watching, or listening to a content as soon as it pop ups in front of you… (Not doing this will KILL your creativity and SUCK UP all your time)

👉 Why most creators are wasting their time in spying over their competitors that prevents them unsubconsciously to stand out (and what exactly they should do instead)

👉 The 2 types of content consumption and the one you need to focus on starting from TODAY


Did you ever ask yourself what information to save and what to ignore?
You’re not alone. Collecting is all about knowing what, where and how to collect information the right way.

Some of what you’ll learn in this module includes:

👉 The Most Secure Ways To Dump Any Type Of Information Into Your Second Brain

👉 How To Escape The “Information Overload Treadmill” And Gain Back Your Mental Sanity And Focus

👉  UPDATED: My “almost” no-weekly review workflow to manage my second brain

👉 How to set up your own “hybrid” note-taking system to make your second brain work smoothly

👉 The Best Ways To Capture Information From Almost Any Source (Books, Audio Books, Videos, Podcasts, Seminars…) Without Coding And Using Free Tools

👉 My In-Depth Process Regarding The Best Way To Capture Information Effectively

👉 What To Do With Your “Old Notes” (Walk-Through Of My “Stress-And-Hassle-Free” Approach To Migrating Notes)

👉 The Simple Reason Why You Can’t Rely on “One” Note-Taking App like Notion, Obsidian, Roam, whatsoever… (and what exactly you need to do instead)


Every new idea is a combination of old ideas.
This module will show you how to leverage the power of connecting notes together to spark unique insights to fuel your content creation.

Some of what you’ll learn in this module includes:

👉 How To Classify Your Notes The Right Way In A Simple Time-Saving Process

👉 How To Escape The “Information Overload Treadmill” And Gain Back Your Mental Sanity And Focus

👉 How To Stop Being A Note-Taker And Start Becoming A Note-Maker

👉 My (Almost) Full “No Folder” & “No Tag” Approach To Stop Being An Archivist Who Never Re-Uses His Notes!

👉 The Only 3 Different Types Of Notes Your System Requires (And How To Implement Them Easily Without The Technical Fluff!)

👉 The Step-by-Step Guide to Correctly Distilling Information and Creating Notes in Your Digital Zettelkasten

👉 The 4 Rules To Follow (Almost Religiously) When Creating A New Note In Your Second Brain (And Optimize Easily It For Later Reference)

👉 The Multi-Entry Door Technique To Ensure That Any Information In Your Note-Taking System Can Be Retrieved In 15 Seconds (Or Less)

👉 How To Benefit from the Zettelkasten without having to get drowned into its complexity (Without The Technical Jargon)

👉The reason why ‘classifying your notes’ is a waste of time, never worked (and probably never will.) You’ll discover the research that supports that and exactly what to do about it.(Ironically, this makes the whole note-taking process that much easier, especially when you set up a self-organizing structure like you’ll discover step-by-step in this course)

👉 Exactly when to use backlinks, tags, folders, (and when not!)


Now, we’ll take your content production to the next level.
You’ll learn cutting-edge and new ways to create better (and more) content, faster than ever before.

Some of what you’ll learn in this module includes:

👉 How to effectively use your second brain to come up with new (and probably never-seen) content ideas. This will give your free (and paid) content a unique twist nobody else can compete with.

👉 How to format your notes the right way to make sure that the content you’ll create will resonate with your audience to achieve more likes, subscriptions and ultimately… sales!

👉 I’ll Show You How My System Works Behind The Curtain: How To Create, Retrieve, And Utilize Notes Step-By-Step.

👉 How To Start Thinking Critically And Stop Being A ‘Sheep That Simply Saves Information And Regurgitates Other People Thoughts

👉 A Simple Method To 10X Your Knowledge By Identifying Your Information Gaps

👉 How to supercharge your second brain with unique insights that you can re-use almost on command

👉 How to Set Up Your Second Brain From Scratch to Create More (And Better) Content Faster Than Ever

👉 The Exact Process To Make Sure That My Content Will Resonate With My Audience (Before Even Start Creating It) – This Alone is a HUGE Time Saver

👉 How to use data to DOUBLE DOWN on the content that works, to get MORE ENGAGEMENT for your upcoming pieces of content and spin your content FLYWHEEL faster than everyone else

👉 Exactly how to organize short-form content you’re creating out of your notes like for Twitter or LinkedIn. (This will help you retrieve all your posts in just a few clicks, maximize their potential, and turn them into long-form content or emails later on.)

👉 How to come up with (almost) UNLIMITED new content ideas to GET NOTICED in your niche so that you can build your email list, and monetize your expertise with online courses

(Value $97 – FREE w/ Creator Version)

90% of Obsidian ‘feature-videos’ are useless distraction.
This BONUS Module will show you my latest iterations and updates to create a powerful content creation process in Obsidian. (If you’re using another app, you’ll be able to adapt the process)

👉 And Much More…

After going through the entire program…

You’ll have a second brain that’s…






By the end of this COURSE YOU’lL:

✍️ Create better content, faster

📚 Get rid of information overload

🔎 Retrieve any note in a matter of seconds

🔗 See interesting connections between your ideas

✅ Know exactly how to set up your second brain to create content

🦸‍♂️ Be able to get started with confidence of doing things the right way

⚙️ Have a well-oiled note-taking system to manage information effectively

💡 Come up with new ideas and establish yourself as an authority in your niche

🧰 Discover how to set up a note-taking tool-stack that empowers you rather than slowing you down

🧠 Think better, more clearly, and make sense of all the information you consume in a simple and elegant way.


👉 You’re just starting out (because I’m going to show you how to set up everything from scratch)

👉 You’re completely lost today (because you’ll learn a clear and simple framework to follow)

👉 You don’t have a lot of time (because the system is built so that it can adapt to you, and not backward!)

👉 You’re not a tech-savvy person (because everything is based on simplicity, and simple-to-use tools, anyone can learn blazing fast.)

👉 You’re not creative and have a hard time coming up with ideas (because this system will suggest you the best ideas to create content about)

This self-paced online video course will help you…


You need to be open to change.

This means that you have to be open to doing things differently (even if they seem counter-intuitive.) Humans are, by default, reluctant to change. But remember that positive change happens outside your comfort zone. And I’ll be here to help you through this.

And once you’ll have your system in place, you’ll thank me and never look back.

But on the flip side, if you:

  • are not willing to change
  • are looking for magic bullets
  • know that you will not do the work
  • want shiny complicated productivity wizardry
  • only look for a copy and paste system and don’t plan to think about how to apply the principles to your own unique situation



You may now be asking yourself: “Okay, Matt. I’m sold on the idea. But how much does it cost?”

Before giving you all the details, let me tell you that…


Let me ask you a simple question:

How much time, energy, and money have you already lost in trying to build a second brain that actually helps you turn your notes into online content?

At best, weeks, months, or even years?

Okay. And how much is your time actually worth?
$50, $100, $250 / an hour…

No matter the number, it’s probably SIGNIFICANTLY MORE than the price of this course…

This is why buying this course is not a cost, but an investment that will save you hundreds of hours in the upcoming weeks, months, and years.

Not to mention the tranquility it will provide you knowing the fact that your information is in a safe place and retrievable at any time.


You’re buying a course because you want results.
You’ll get ’em with this one

This system is so effective that I can provide you with those insane…


Guarantee #1:


Yes, you read that right. 200%.

If you really want to turn your notes into online then all I ask is to give to give this course a fair try. Watch the lessons. Apply them. Start playing around with your new system. Put it seriously into practice for the next 6 months.

If you see that the system does not help you think better, create better content faster, and come up with great ideas… Reach out and I’ll help you out personally. And if nothing works out, then I’ll 200% refund your investment.

Guarantee #2:


You can watch up to two lessons of the course, as many time as you want. If you feel that it’s not the right fit, you can ask for a full refund within 90 days of purchase. I’ll refund your full investment in as little as 48 hours.

Then There’s simply NO WAY you can lose!


WARNING: This offer is limited and may increase at any time without prior notice!


Video subtitles available in all major languages




Instead of $500

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 1-Year Updates



Instead of $1,000

One-time payment

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 Lifetime Updates
⚡️ Bonus Module
🤝 30 days coaching with Matt: email support and 1 30-minute Zoom call

You save $503.00 instantly



Instead of $3,000

Everything in the Creator plan

PLUS: 90 days coaching instead of 1.
4*30-minute coaching calls with Matt.
Personalized Content Strategy


Get results and turn your notes into valuable content, or get your money back.


There’s no real alternative for this course, but let’s assume you want to compare it to other “flagship” programs out there. The most popular ones are:


Starts at

$1500 / year


Starts at

$1200 / cohort

Both alternatives work fine for mainstream productivity enthusiasts, but not for content creators who rely on making money with their content.

(Funny fact: I have many students who came to me after trying some of the mainstream methods above…)

😱 Just take a look at what ex-BASB devotee Chuck Frey says about it:



For a curriculum that is not tied

It’s completely up to you.


Q: Who is this course for?
A: For people who want to content in any form or shape (video, text, audio) to grow their business.

Q: Who should NOT buy this course?
A: If you already have an effective system to manage information, Second Brain For Content Creators™ is not for you.

If you know how to take meaningful (and smart) notes.
If you know how to retrieve any information on demand.
If you know how to come up with endless content ideas.
If you know how to come up with unique ideas for your content that set you apart from your competition…

Then you can pass on this.

Q: In which languages can I follow the course? Are there written transcripts available?

A: The videos are in English. ALL VIDEOS have English subtitles PLUS subtitles in:

  • Italian 🇮🇹
  • Korean 🇰🇷
  • Spanish 🇪🇸
  • Portuguese 🇵🇹 🇧🇷
  • Chinese (Simplified) 🇨🇳

There are also enhanced PDF transcripts available in English, Spanish, and Chinese. If there’s any other language you need transcripts/subtitles in, simply let me know and I’ll be happy to add more translations!

Q: When does the group coaching start?
A: Your first call will start 1 week after joining the program. You’ll then get access to 4 live Q and A sessions every wee. One session per week. Current timings for coaching sessions are Saturdays 1:30 PM (Eastern). If you can’t make it, you can submit your questions in advance.

Q: What problems will “Second Brain For Content Creators” help me overcome?
A: No more useless note-taking: Create a true library of meaningful notes.
No more wasting time in “research” before starting to create content: Start creating within MINUTES!
No more being a parrot and simply curating: Start coming up with OWN ideas!
No more writer’s block or looking at a blinking cursor: Your second brain will provide you with mental crutches to get started!
No more wondering what to write about: Your best ideas will naturally emerge by themselves!
No more forgetting information: Your second brain will resurfaces the ideas worth exploring!
No more mental fogginess: Free up your mental bandwidth and unload your brain to focus on the high-level thinking.

Q: Most “Second Brain” courses sell for over $1,200. Why’s yours so dirt-cheap?
A: This course is dirt-cheap because I want to get as many people on board as possible to get an overwhelming number of success stories.

Q: Do I have to use a specific tool, or is this course technology agnostic?
A: It’s tool agnostic. You can use whatever tool you want as long as it supports linking and the graph view. Some common options are: Obsidian, Logseq, Remnotes, Notion, Mem dot ai, Roam, Supernotes

Q: Ok, but still…Is it worth the money?
A: I’ve spent 10 years creating content and trying to find the best system for my needs.

It’s safe to say that I’ve invested over 1,000+ hours working on this & finding out the best system, so you don’t have to.

I’ve designed this course to be actionable and as short as possible so that you can revisit it frequently and create a system you can use daily.

If this is not worth the price for you, then skip on this, and good luck finding things out on your own.

Q: How long will it take to see results?
A: It depends on how much time (and how fast) you will implement your second brain. After following the course, you’ll have your second brain up and running in as fast as 72 hours. (Sometimes, even less.)
This means that in only 3 days, you’ll already be able to use your second brain and able to start growing your knowledge base.
The more information you feed your system, the more ideas and content you’ll be able to generate.

If you do absolutely nothing, you won’t see any results.

But if you’re serious and put the course into practice, I expect you to see the first results in 60-90 days, and you can likely change your content creation game in the next 6-12 months.

Q: What else do I have to buy?
A: Nothing. You can get started with FREE tools. No paid subscriptions are needed.

Q: How much time do I need to invest in my second brain?
A: Completely up to you. My methodology shows you a lightweight system that adapts to your life, not backward.

But understand that if you don’t put some time into “feeding” your second brain, you’ll not be able to generate anything with it.

Q: When will the discount end?
A: Honestly speaking, I don’t know. I’m not a fan of fake marketing campaigns. But what I know is that I’m going to raise the price in the near future. Once it goes up, it will be too late. And I don’t want to upset those who bought at the higher price. (This is not how I treat my clients!) So either you want the course, or you don’t.  If you want it, one advice: don’t procrastinate further!

Q: Do you provide a tax invoice?
A: Absolutely. Be sure to fill out the order form correctly. After purchase, you’ll get your invoice sent to you automatically.

Q: I’m a European customer, can I claim back VAT?
If you have a valid VAT number you can purchase this course without VAT. Simply key in the VAT number on the order form, and the VAT should come down to zero. (Make sure to see the price change before entering the card info)


Video subtitles available in all major languages




Instead of $500

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 1-Year Updates



Instead of $1,000

One-time payment

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 Lifetime Updates
⚡️ Bonus Module
🤝 30 days coaching with Matt: email support and 1 30-minute Zoom call

You save $503.00 instantly



Instead of $3,000

Everything in the Creator plan

PLUS: 90 days coaching instead of 1.
4*30-minute coaching calls with Matt.
Personalized Content Strategy


Get results and turn your notes into valuable content, or get your money back.

What Others Say:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8 / 5


Ask before you buy : matt[at]mattgiaro.com

You can expect an answer within 24 hours.


Video subtitles available in all major languages




Instead of $500

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 1-Year Updates



Instead of $1,000

One-time payment

🎓 Full Online Course
🔄 Lifetime Updates
⚡️ Bonus Module
🤝 30 days coaching with Matt: email support and 1 30-minute Zoom call

You save $503.00 instantly



Instead of $3,000

Everything in the Creator plan

PLUS: 90 days coaching instead of 1.
4*30-minute coaching calls with Matt.
Personalized Content Strategy


Get results and turn your notes into valuable content, or get your money back.

As Seen On: