Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you’d like to set up a powerful note-taking system to organize your ideas, never forget any single one of them, and retrieve any information on demand, then this page will show you how.

Can You Relate?

👉 Are you tired of saving information without ever re-engaging with it?

👉 Do you struggle with retrieving notes you know you’ve saved but can’t put your hands back on them?

👉 Would you like a simple way to come up with better ideas to improve both your personal and professional life?

👉 Do you want to effectively link information together and stand out with your ideas?

👉 Do you have a feeling of WASTED POTENTIAL and know deep in you that you could do something better with your notes?

👉 Do you have the feeling of being OVERWHELMED with all the information: gathering it, saving it, and (most importantly) applying it?

👉 Do you have a hard time finding out HOW TO ORGANIZE your notes in the most effective way?

If the answer is “yes” to any of the above,
read this page carefully.


Hi, I’m Matt Giaro, and I’ve been taking digital notes for 13 years.

And 10 of them were totally wasted.

Do you know why?

Because my system SUCKED.

Some of my symptoms:

  • I never revisited my notes
  • I struggled to organize my notes
  • I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for quickly

Those are just some of the frustrations I encountered over the years.

But I reached a point where these frustrations all hit a point of no return.

I had to find a solution. And became OBSESSED about it.

I started examining WHY my system sucked.

First, I thought the reason was because of the apps I was using…

So I switched between different apps like a monkey in a circus.

Result: Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

I realized that blaming the app was NOT the real problem.

The real problem was all about ONE thing


What do I mean by structure?

It’s all about understanding when exactly to use folders, tags, or links.

Think of them as tools for different purposes.

If you want to chop down a tree, better to have an axe rather than just a hammer.

Tags and folders work for some types of notes… But they don’t work with ALL notes.

Here’s an example:

When brainstorming a new project, you use your notes like a scratchpad… not sure if you’ll keep everything you jotted down for future usage. Most of the time, 90% of that will go to waste. So that type of information doesn’t make sense to be linked to anything else.

Some other information like your car’s VIN, tax information, or medical visits record also doesn’t make sense to be connected to anything…

Instead, they’re just notes to be retrieved when needed.

Those notes are what I call “dumb notes.”

That’s why I still like to use tags and folders for specific purposes…

But most notes I take come from books, online courses, and other value-packed sources.

Those notes include knowledge that I intend to reuse in the future to become a better version of myself and propel my projects forward.

Those are what I call “smart notes.”

And it makes perfect sense to connect those notes together.

The reason is that our brains are hard-wired to link information.

I then went down a rabbit hole to understand how to use links.

I took up everything I could read about the Zettelkasten…

I looked up all the different classification systems out there.

But every “system” I found suffered from being either INCOMPLETE or too COMPLICATED.

Complicated because the structure seemed too artificial, with unclear boundaries, and required just too much mental bandwidth to make sense of it…

And incomplete because I wasn’t able to find a system that solves the problem of embracing the versatility of notes we need to take on a daily basis…

All these systems suffer from the same bias: it’s either “with or against me…”. Either black or white. It’s either folders OR links…

But as with many things in life, the truth is within a spectrum of grey.

Your notes are no exception.

I found that the best way to take meaningful notes is to acknowledge that not ALL notes are created EQUAL.

On one side, it’s great to link notes together… but on the other, you still need to save notes within a specific context.

Some information, by nature, needs to be combined. And some just to be retrieved.

So I asked myself: what if I could come up with a SIMPLE system to handle ALL types of notes?

  • A system that is EASY to maintain…
  • A system that doesn’t require committing to weekly reviews…
  • And a system that can anyone could set up FAST?

After several months of trial and error, I came up with what I call a HYBRID system.

A new way to organize your notes with a HYBRID SYSTEM that combines folders, tags, and links

Hybrid because:

  • It combines both dumb and smart notes.
  • It uses tags, folders, and links to get the most out of every possible structure.
  • It can handle all aspects of both your personal and professional life…

I went through many iterations to find the right twist to it.

And I’ve battle-tested it myself for the past 3 years.

It’s a system that allows you to get the best out of both worlds:

“The tags and folders world,” i.e., the world of classification…

And the “linking world”: because this is how our brain naturally functions.

I’m sharing the details of every step inside my new program called…


A Self-Paced Online Course To Set Up A Simple Digital Note-Taking System To Effortlessly Capture Ideas, Organize Your Thoughts, and Unleash Your Inner Genius

Genius Notes Online Course

Here’s some of what you’ll learn inside the course:

👉 HOW TO FIND, STORE, AND RETRIEVE INFORMATION EFFECTIVELY: May It Be an Idea, a Project, or Simply Remembering Your Car’s VIN Number…

👉 The BEST WAY to Use Folders, Tags, and Links Efficiently

👉 FORGET COMPLICATED MAINTENANCE: How to Build Your Very Own Note-Taking System Without the Need of Spending Endless Hours Maintaining It

👉 The EASY RETRIEVAL METHODOLOGY™: How to Make Your Notes Searchable So That You Never Miss Out on Any Note Again

👉 The REASON WHY Folders Don’t Work for Most People (And What to Do Instead)

👉 The ANTIDOTE to SCATTERED NOTES: Say Goodbye to Scattered Notes That Scatter Your Mind And Build A System That Effectively Links Your Best Ideas Together

👉 ONE vs. MULTIPLE APPS: The Definite Answer to When You Should Use ONE App and Use MULTIPLE Apps? (The Simple Rule of Thumb to Follow)

👉SMART CAPTURING™: How to Capture Information That Matters Quickly

👉THE REASON WHY You Should Never Save Articles or Complete Excerpts Into Your Notes (And What to Do Instead)

👉How to Identify Which Information Matters & Needs to Be Captured So That Your Note-Taking App Stays Always Clear From Useless Clutter

👉THE SECRET To Finally Make Sense of Multiple Streams of Information And Learn Better (And Faster)

👉How to Choose the Best Medium for Your Notes: How to Deal With Text-Notes, Images (Handwritten Notes), Audio-Notes, Etc. ? (INCLUDES: A Radical Simple Solution on How to COMBINE THEM ALL!)

👉How To Pick The RIGHT NOTE-TAKING APP? The 7 Mandatory Criteria To Look For (Be sure to respect all 7 criteria, and you’ll be fine – else get ready for a tough ride and costly never-ending “switching between note-taking apps” ride)

👉 The easiest way to start linking information and spark new creative insights form your notes

👉 How to escape the never-ending folder and tag tyranny: and exactly how to start using a self organizing structure to never worry about classifying and finding information again…

👉 How to create your own personal note-taking system that almost requires ZERO maintenance or weekly reviews

And much more…


By the end of this PROGRAM:

 You’ll have a COMPLETE system that will allow you to finally take FULL ADVANTAGE of your notes

✅ You’ll experience MORE JOY when taking notes.

✅ You’ll be able to retrieve ANYTHING on demand: No more endless searching for information!

✅ You’ll THINK BETTER and MORE CLEARLY because this system is going to relieve the floating anxiety in the back of your head

✅ You’ll going to experience the TRUE CREATIVE POTENTIAL of your notes

✅ You’ll RETAIN INFORMATION more effectively, solidify knowledge so that you can APPLY what you’ve learned in your life.

You’ll Come up with YOUR OWN IDEAS that will help you get noticed and STAND OUT at work, and in life.

You’ll never lose an idea again!

✅ You’ll have the PIEACE OF MIND that you can retrieve anything in less than 10 seconds.

✅ In just 2 HOURS from now you can have access to the complete framework and apply it to your notes.


👉 You don’t know where to start

👉 You have thousands of notes and don’t know how to make sense of them

👉 You are completely overwhelmed with all the different note-taking solutions out there

👉 You’ve tried other mainstream note-taking methods that never worked for you


The reason is simple: You’ll finally STOP wasting your time on taking and retrieving your notes.

Let’s do quick math:

How many time do you lose every week on taking notes that you don’t use? Or even worse, taking notes that you won’t find in the future…

Add to this that to this all the new projects and the dramatic life-changes that a powerful note-taking system will allow you to achieve?

How much is that worth for you? And how much do you value your time?

Without exaggeration:

You’ll make the investment for this program back at LEAST 10 times…





Instead of $197

🎓 Online Course
🎟️ 1 Year Course Access
No Support
No answers to your questions



Instead of $397

One-time payment

🎓 Full Online Course
🎟️ Lifetime Access
🔄 Lifetime Updates
🙋‍♂️ 30-day email support with Matt personally (Answer to ALL your questions + Personalized Feedback)
🚀 Immediate Access to All The Modules

You save $200.00 instantly


Instead of $497

Everything in Premium
+ 1 month private coaching with Matt (1 session per week. 4 in total)
+ Personalized feedback on your note-taking system


Apply the course for 90 days.
Don’t see that your note-taking improved? Get your money back.



I have total confidence that this program will help. But don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself.

Put this course into practice for the next 90 days. Still think that your note-taking system sucks? If you’ve been following my instructions, then I’ll refund your investment in full.

There’s NO WAY you can lose!

********** FAQ **********

🙋 I already tried almost all note-taking methods out there. Nothing ever worked for me. Why’s this course different?

I was like you. That’s why I came up with this unique note-taking approach that combines both dumb and smart notes.

🙋 Do I need to invest in expansive note-taking tools?

Nope. Everything I share can be used with FREE note-taking apps.

🙋 Do I need to use Obsidian?

Absolutely not. I recommend Obsidian because it’s free and works on every platform. But the framework you’ll learn in this course is TOOL AGNOSTIC. You can use it with any tool you like!

🙋 Do I need any prerequisites or skills?

No. The only thing I ask is dedication and willingness to put a new system into practice.

🙋 Why’s this course so cheap compared to other note-taking courses?

The reason is that I want to help as many people as possible to get results so that I can build up a collection of case studies… and ultimately charge what this course is REALLY worth in the future.

🙋 What’s the coaching option included in the PRO plan?

Online courses are great but have their limits. One of them is that a course ain’t a human and can’t give you personalized feedback. The PRO plan includes coaching with me personally. You can ask ALL your questions and I’ll guide you along the way personally.

🙋Any other questions?

Send them over by replying to any email that lead you to this page.





Instead of $197

🎓 Online Course
🎟️ 1 Year Course Access
No Support
No answers to your questions



Instead of $397

One-time payment

🎓 Full Online Course
🎟️ Lifetime Access
🔄 Lifetime Updates
🙋‍♂️ 30-day email support with Matt personally (Answer to ALL your questions + Personalized Feedback)
🚀 Immediate Access to All The Modules

You save $200.00 instantly


Instead of $497

Everything in Premium
+ 1 month private coaching with Matt (1 session per week. 4 in total)
+ Personalized feedback on your note-taking system


Apply the course for 90 days.
Don’t see that your note-taking improved? Get your money back.

What Others Say:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8 / 5


Ask before you buy : matt[at]

You can expect an answer within 24 hours.

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