New Way To Build Your Email List With AI:
Attract New Email Subscribers On Autopilot (Without Creating A Single Piece Of Content)
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
If you want to grow your email list…
But feel like your audience isn’t growing fast enough…
Then this page will show you a completely new way to attract email subscribers on autopilot every day without having to create content…
By using something I call “AI mini-tools.”
Can You Answer “Yes” To One of These Questions?
👉 You’re looking for an easy way to grow your email list without spending hours every day creating content.
👉 You’ve tried a variety of channels like social media, Substack, Medium, SEO, and posting non-stop… But you’re barely seeing any new subscribers.
👉 You want a way to attract email subscribers that buy your digital products that runs on autopilot.
If you answered yes to any of the above,
read this page carefully.
Are You Still using Old School Lead Magnets To Build Your List
Like A snail 🐌?
When I first started writing online…
You could get people onto your email list by simply asking them to join your newsletter.
This was 15+ years ago:

Today, nobody wakes up thinking, “I need to subscribe to more newsletters today.”
They don’t sign up because they want another email clogging their inbox.
They sign up because they want something:
- a checklist
- a template
- a quick fix to a problem they have right now.
That’s why lead magnets work.
But here’s the problem…
Creating lead magnets takes time.
And not just creating them… But promoting them!
Because what good is a lead magnet if no one sees it?
So now, instead of just making the lead magnet…
You’re stuck in the endless cycle of writing content, posting on social media, hoping for traction.
But what if your lead magnet could do the work for you?
What if it attracted subscribers 24/7—without you having to write a single blog post or social media post?
And what if it took you less than 2 hours to create that lead magnet?
And what if AI could help you do this?
Don’t you think that this would make list growth 10x easier?
99% Of Creators In Your Niche Have No Clue About This Radically New Way To FILL Your Email List With Hungry Readers
Let’s talk about the real problem with lead magnets:
▪︎ It’s not the PDF.
▪︎ It’s not the checklist.
▪︎ It’s not the email course.
It’s how they get found.
If you don’t want to spend every day creating content and feel like a slave to algorithms…
Then the best way to get people to automatically sign up for your lead magnet is to use SEO.
Create content. Let it rank. And get traffic on autopilot.
Now here’s the issue:
Most lead magnets live on landing pages.
And you know what Google does with landing pages?
It ignores them. As a result, they don’t bring traffic.
Which means if you want people to actually see your lead magnet…
You have to promote the crap out of it.
So what do we do?
- We write blog posts.
- We post on social media.
- We make YouTube videos.
We create content to promote the lead magnet—so that, hopefully, people sign up.
And yes…
All this works.
In fact, that’s what I’m doing.
But let’s face it… It’s sometimes as slow as watching grass grow.
This way of using AI to Build Your List is totally underrated (for now)
Most people use AI to churn out content.
I’m one of them.
But there’s a way to use AI to build your list without having to create content.
It’s to use it to build a series of AI mini-tools.
An AI Mini-Tool is a lead magnet that attracts subscribers without you having to create content upfront.
Instead of a static PDF sitting on a landing page…
A Mini-Tool is a simple, interactive tool that ranks on Google, attracts traffic, and delivers instant value—all on autopilot.
Think of it like this:
Instead of writing about a solution, you build the solution itself with AI.
The interesting thing is that even with AI search becoming more and more popular…
People still need to visit a website if they want to use a Mini-Tool.
They cannot use it within ChatGPT, Perplexity (or whatever other AI) itself.
Here’s an interesting conversation that I had with one of my colleagues on X about search and the future of search:

Think of mini-tools like:
- Calculators
- Generators
- Analyzers
- Trackers
- Etc.
So instead of just writing a 3,000-word guide on “How to Name Your Newsletter”…
I’ve created a Newsletter Name Generator that spits out name ideas in seconds:

Instead of explaining how to write engaging social media hooks…
I’ve created a Hook Generator that delivers high-converting post ideas instantly.

Then, once people use the tool, there are a few different ways to get them on your email list.
When someone gets an instant win from your Mini-Tool, guess what happens?
They remember who gave it to them.
They start trusting you. They hand over their email address. They associate your brand with a quick win.
And when you say, “Hey, want more?”—they actually want more.
How AI Mini-Tools Can Help You Build Your Email List On Autopilot:
AI Mini-Tools:
✅ Show up on Google, ChatGPT, Perplexity... – Unlike a landing page, a Mini-Tool actually gets indexed. People are already searching for solutions, and your tool is the answer.
Like this:

Or like this:

Or even this:

✅ Don’t require content upfront – No need to write blog posts, record videos, scroll social media for hours, nor dance on TikTok. The tool itself is the content.
✅ Make people want to subscribe – When someone gets an instant win from your tool, signing up for more is a no-brainer.
✅ Drive traffic 24/7 – Instead of hoping your latest post goes viral, you create a tool once, and it works forever.
✅ Set you apart – While everyone else is creating endless AI-generated articles, you’re offering something they actually want to use.
Ai mini-tools are lead generation without the grind & on complete autopilot!
Now you might be thinking
“But Matt, I’m not a developer..”
How To Build Your Own
AI Mini-Tools
(Without Writing A Single Line Of Code)
Just a few years ago, building a suite of tools like this would have cost you thousands of dollars.
Hiring developers. Writing specs. Managing revisions.
(Don’t ask me how I know.)
AI does the heavy lifting.
You can build one in less than two hours and for less than 20 bucks.
Without having to learn to code.
All using plain English.
👉No code.
👉No tech skills.
👉No headaches.
And once it’s live, it runs itself.
And the best proof is the army of tools that I’ve created for myself.
But I’ve been coding with AI for the last 6 months…
And it was a real pain in the butt because even though AI codes…
If you have no clue how to actually use it…
It quickly turns into a time-sucking black hole.
I watched dozens and dozens of YouTube tutorials, bought expensive courses, and even hired a coach to help me because I was stuck.
And it was hard.
It ain’t as easy as on those damn YouTube thumbnails. LOL.
I spent 100 hours coding with AI until I finally got a grip on it.
Most content you’ll see online will show you how to create complex applications.
It’s full of tech jargon. It’s confusing. And it sucks out all your energy.
After all, coding is a full-time job itself.
And it’s not just about the coding…
It’s about all the decisions that you need to make upfront, like:
- Which coding language should you use?
- What hosting provider should you pick?
- What tools should you use?
And once you’ve figured out that, you also need to come up with a strategy to get people onto your list…
Because after all these tutorials show you how to build applications…
But not how to build your email list.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Now you might be thinking, “I don’t want to turn into a developer…”
And you actually don’t need to.
I’m not a developer either.
But I know how to use AI to code for me.
That’s the KEY difference.
If you understand what needs to be done and how to instruct the AI to do this, you don’t need to do the grind yourself.
The best part?
Most people in your niche are not willing to do this.
And that’s your unique advantage. That’s the arbitrage right now.
To save you all these MONTHS of research and headaches…
I’ve distilled everything I learned into a course.
It will not just show you how to make coding easy using plain English…
But it will also provide you with the exact template and strategies to copy and paste on how to use this to build your email list in just 2 hours.
Even if you’re not a developer!
That’s Why I’ve Created:
The New Lead Magnets™
A self-paced online course to help you create AI mini-tools to build your list on autopilot without writing a single line of code.
Course duration: ~2.5 hours

Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this course:
Module 1️⃣: How To Find Winning AI Mini-Tool Ideas & Engineer Them For Massive List Growth
👉 The psychological trick on making people desperately want to subscribe to your emails almost 5 seconds after using your mini-tool (and how to ethically leverage this for massive list growth)
👉4 unusual Ways to find mini-tool ideas your competitors are completely overlooking
👉The single most important question to ask before building any mini-tool (skip this and you’ll waste weeks creating something nobody will ever find)
👉 How to get free traffic to your mini-tools (even on a completely saturated market) Includes: the simple keyword strategy that took one of my mini-tools from page 4 to the top position on Google
👉 The ethical email capture strategy that builds instant rapport while capturing emails (without ever feeling pushy or manipulative)
👉 What never to include in your mini-tools if you want visitors to use them (this common feature drives away 90% of potential subscribers before they even enter their email)
👉 Better than intrusive pop-ups or ads: How to use strategic “curiosity gaps” that make visitors voluntarily hand over their email (and thank you for the privilege)
Module 2️⃣: Build Your Mini-Tool With Ai (Without Writing a Single Line Of Code)
👉 The exact 3 tools to use (2 of them are free, and one costs $15)… And how to set them up to be ready to build your first mini-tool in the next 10 minutes. (This alone will save you 10 hours of research)
👉 How to launch your AI mini-tool without writing a single line of code – even complete beginners are using this “copy & paste method” to attract hundreds of new email subscribers using AI mini-tools.
👉 The best Ai model to use for your mini-tools (hint: it’s not the most expansive one. In fact, it’s one of the cheapest models out there…)
👉 The AI Template that slashes development time from 10 hours to just 1 (while your competitors waste weeks coding from scratch)
👉 The truth behind AI tools that nobody is talking about – how complete beginners are building subscriber-generating tools in a single afternoon while experts waste weeks overthinking everything
👉 How to become your own developer in less than 30 minutes using plain conversational English
👉 How to make AI “prompt itself” to create a first amazing version of your mini-tool in less than 10 minutes
👉 Why beginners are actually at an advantage when creating AI mini-tools (and how their “keep it simple” approach is generating 3X more subscribers than complicated tools built by alleged “tech experts”)
Module 3️⃣: Publish Your Mini-Tool
👉 How to appear on Google Search Results in the next 7 days (even with a completely new website)
👉 The exact strategy to get your tool online, on your website, in less than 10 minutes.
👉 The exact step-by-step process to get your mini-tools under your own domain to build a strong personal brand
👉 The FREE (and blazing-fast) hosting provider you can use for all your mini-tools
👉 And much, much, more!
Get These Bonuses If You Join Today:

The template to build your mini-tools in LESS than 2 hours.
You’ll get access to my private template to have a mini-tool up and running in less than 60 minutes. Simply ask AI to modify it to suit your niche, and you’re live.
This bonus alone will save you 30 hours of stupid prompting.

Video walkthrough on how I built one of my mini-tools. Raw video on exactly how I built my “niche finder” tool in less than 2 hours (1h40 minutes to be precise)
You Have Two Choices:
👍 With this course: | 👎 Without this course |
✅ Launch a working mini-tool in less than 2 hours | ⛔ Spend weeks building something that might not even work |
✅ Get more email subscribers on autopilot | ⛔ Keep struggling to grow your list manually |
Here’s what you’ll get:
Click Play:
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Join Today
The New Ai Lead Magnets™
ONLY $197
✅ Full Course
✅ All The Bonuses
✅ Lifetime Updates
✅ One-time payment
🔐 ✅ Secure Checkout
🛡️ Results Guaranteed
This Course Will Pay For Itself at least 10 times
Reason 1: Value Your Time
Figuring It Out Yourself Wastes Months (And Still Might Fail)
Sure, you could Google your way through it. But let’s be real—how much is your time worth?
And after all that? You still might not have a working tool.
This course cuts the guesswork. Follow the steps, build the tools, and start growing your email list immediately.
The Cost of Doing Nothing? Falling Further Behind
Every day without these tools is a day you’re losing subscribers.
Your competitors? They’re using lead magnets, interactive tools, and AI-driven automation to pull in more leads on autopilot.
Meanwhile, you’re still relying on outdated strategies, watching your list grow at a snail’s pace.
How much is that costing you? 10, 50, 100+ missed subscribers per month? That’s thousands in lost revenue every year.
Reason 2: All You Need Is To Make One Sale
Let’s say you launch your mini tools and all it brings is ONE sale at $400 (like selling a course or a coaching program)
You only need ONE client and the course will have paid for itself.
That’s not taking into consideration that this client might stay with you for 3,6, or 12 months.
With this system, you’re likely to get more than just “one” client 🙂
Which means everything else is pure profit in your pockets.
Plus you’ve also acquired a skill that you can re-use over and over again.
Reason 3: 10X Cheaper Than a Developper
Want a developer to build these tools for you? Be ready to pay.
Even a cheap freelancer will charge $50–$100 per hour. A basic tool could take 20–30 hours to develop, test, and deploy. That’s $1,000–$3,000 upfront—if you’re lucky.
And if you ever need an update? More money. More waiting. More frustration.
With this course, you’ll build your own AI-powered mini tools yourself in less than 2 hours.
🏅 100% Results Guaranteed 🏅
Get Your First Mini Tools Up And Running In Less Than A Day Without Writing A Single Line Of Code
Follow the course step-by-step. Use the templates. Get your mini-tool up and running.
And if you can’t make it work?
Then hit me up and I’ll help you for free.
And if for some reason we can’t make it work, I’ll give your full money back.
(Proofs required to prevent fraud)
🙋 Any questions?
Hit me up: [email protected]
What others say:
➡️ Q: What is this course about?
A: It shows you how to create mini-tools with AI to get more email subscribers.
➡️ Q: How much does it cost?
A: The AI-coding tool that we’re going to use to code your Mini-Tools in plain english costs 20 bucks a month.
It’s not something that you need to keep paying for every month.
You could easily create your Mini-Tools this month and then cancel your subscription. And then resume it later if you want to add more tools.
The hosting for these Mini-Tools is free.
➡️ Q: Do I need to learn how to code?
A: No!
I don’t know how to code. But I’ve created 10+ tools with AI.
I know how to prompt AI. And that’s what you’ll learn in this course.
I’m showing you exactly how to code with AI in plain English, and I’m also going to provide you with a template that you can use to set up your own Mini-Tool in less than two hours (even if you’ve never done it before.)
I’ll leave no stone unturned.
➡️ Q: How fast can I see results?
A: The answer to that really depends on several factors like competition, whether or not you have an existing website, etc.
Inside the course, I’m going to show you how to leverage SEO but also how to use other levers to promote your Mini-Tools.
If you have a brand new website, it might take a few weeks to actually start working. But once it does, it’s free and passive traffic for the next YEARS to come.
As with anything: the sooner you get started, the faster you’re going to see results.
➡️ Q: Do I need any prior SEO knowledge?
A: No you don’t. Everything you need to know is covered in the course.
➡️ Any other questions?
Shoot → matt [at] mattgiaro [dot] com
Join Today
The New Ai Lead Magnets™
ONLY $197
✅ Full Course
✅ All The Bonuses
✅ Lifetime Updates
✅ One-time payment
🔐 ✅ Secure Checkout
🛡️ Results Guaranteed
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