New method shows experts, creators, and coaches how to

Write Persuasive Sales Pages
With Artificial Intelligence
in 30 Minutes


Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you want to make more money with your content & digital products

Then this page will show you a new way to use AI to write a persuasive sales page that can sell (almost) anything in just 30 minutes.

All this without having to hire (or morph into) a copywriter.

Can You Answer “Yes” To One of These Questions?

👉 You’re looking for a way to create a high-converting sales page that will help you sell more of your digital products (courses, coaching, etc.) but don’t have hours to spend perfecting every word.

👉 You’ve tried writing your own sales pages before, but the results were underwhelming, and your products just aren’t selling as much as they should.

👉 You want a quick and effective strategy that allows you to create a sales page in just 30 minutes using AI, so you can create more offers, faster, and monetize your expertise.

👉 You don’t want to waste weeks tweaking your copy or learning complex copywriting tactics… you just want a sales page that works.

If you answered yes to any of the above,
read this page carefully.

I love digital products, but…

Creating digital products isn’t enough to make money.

Yes, you can sell them on autopilot 24/7/365.

Yes, they’re one of the best ways to monetize your expertise and reach a broader audience online.

But just having a digital product doesn’t mean you’ll see the sales rolling in.

You could have the best products in the world…

But if you don’t have a sales page (or have a sales page that doesn’t convert)…

Then none of it matters.

It’ll stay buried in the digital wasteland.

It’s what helps smoothly transition “strangers” into “sales.”

Once they land on your sales page they’re either convinced to buy – or bounce off.

And if you want to make more money from your content, you’ve got only three options.

3 options to make more money from your content

Option 1: Grow a laaaaarge audience.

That’s the influencer business model.

But building a large audience is hard.

You can’t just snap your fingers and have tens of thousands of people ready to buy.

That model works for the big gurus.

But when you’re just starting out, you don’t have tens of thousands of people following you.

Option 2: Charge higher prices.

If you double your prices from, let’s say, $100 to $200, you need fewer clients to make the same amount of profit.

But the more you want to charge, the more persuasive your sales pages need to be.

Option 3: Sell more products to your existing customers.

This is where the real money is made when you have a small audience.

Selling to existing customers is 14 times easier than to someone who never bought from you.

The reason is because they already:

  • Like
  • Know
  • And trust you.

So the more offers you launch, the more products you can sell to the same people.

The more offers you launch, the more products you can sell to the same people.

And when you think about it…

A sales page Unlocks more profits from options 2 and 3

It lets you justify higher prices by showing the value of your offer.

And it helps you launch (and thus sell) more products faster.

Because if you can write a sales page in just a few minutes…

You don’t even need to create a product!

All you need to do is:

  • Create a sales page
  • Send the link to your audience
  • And pre-sell your next course. Or whip up a coaching offer. Whatever.

A sales page is the bridge between your free and paid content

A sales page does the hard work of selling for you, 24/7

It’s your number one employee – converting visitors into sales… without any extra effort on your part.

When you know how to write sales page, you’re unlocking the ability to launch more offers and, ultimately, make more money.

So every day that goes by with an underperforming (or even worse: no) sales page, you’re missing out on:

  • Sales
  • Profits
  • And Momentum

How long are you going to let your hard work go unnoticed?

Don’t you think your offer deserves to actually make you money?

How much longer will you wait while others make sales on products that aren’t half as good as yours?


✅ Having a clear process from start to finish: knowing exactly what to say, and how to say it, without feeling overwhelmed by copywriting formulas…

✅ Having a sales page that converts visitors into paying customers like clockwork.

✅ Never second-guessing whether or not your sales page is costing you sales.

I’ve created nearly 100 sales pages during the last 10 years

And honestly, it’s hard.

When I launched my first few courses, I had no clue how to structure a sales page.

I was staring at a blank screen.

So I took several copywriting courses and books.

But instead of getting clarity…

I ended up overwhelmed by all the different strategies and approaches.

Every expert had their own “best way.”

And by the time I tried to piece them together, I was more confused than when I started.

Writing one single sales page took me several weeks, tweaking, changing, and optimizing.

I overthought every:

  • Headline
  • Paragraph
  • And sentence

When I finally hit publish, the sales didn’t roll in like I expected.

I wasted so much time tweaking the page over and over, all while potential buyers were bouncing off the page without even reading halfway down.

You don’t want to spend years learning copywriting

I’ll be honest—I’m not a copywriter by trade.

Yes, I became better at it over time… But it took a lot of time.

And you might not be a copywriter either.

In fact, most of my clients are experts in their fields…

They dedicated a decade or two to honing their skills…

And don’t want to spend another decade becoming a copywriting whiz!

And here’s the dilemma:

You don’t want to sound like a cheesy salesman…

But at the same time, you know that your products are valuable!

If there’s too much hype – people will run away.

If you tune down the tone, it will sound boring.

So, if you downplay the benefits, thinking that if you’re modest, people will see the value for themselves. Big mistake.

Being too humble about your course hurts your sales.

People won’t automatically connect the dots if you don’t clearly show them the benefits.

When you tone down your message out of fear of sounding like a hard-sell, potential buyers just don’t see why they should invest.

You’re doing them a disservice by not showcasing the full value.

If the words on the page don’t connect, your visitors will scroll down, yawn, and leave.

What About Copying Others?

You’ve probably found a few sales pages from successful course creators and thought, “I’ll just copy what they’re doing.”

After all, if it worked for them, it should work for you, right?

So, you tweak a few things, slap on your course info, and hit publish.

Here’s why that’s a bad idea: their audience isn’t your audience.

Their message isn’t yours.

Copying someone else’s sales page means you’re not speaking directly to your people.

You’re trying to force-fit their voice and structure into your unique offering.

The result? You come across as inauthentic.

Maybe you Also thought of this…

“Let’s just hire a copywriter…”

It sounds like a solution, right?

Just outsource it and get the job done.

You hunt for a copywriter from Fiverr or Upwork, someone with decent reviews, and hope for the best.

You spend a few hours sifting through all the proposals and finally hire one guy.

If you’re lucky, this guy ain’t flaky.

They give you a sales page that seems okay, maybe even looks pretty professional.

But it doesn’t guarantee sales.

If you have no clue what a good sales page is, then it might just be as pretty as a pig with lipstick.

Hiring a cheap copywriter often means you get what you pay for. Hiring an expensive one comes with its own risk.

If they don’t understand your course, your market, or the pain points of your audience.

Their cookie-cutter copy might work for a low-ticket item, but not for your high-value course.

You’ll end up frustrated, out of pocket, and still stuck with a sales page that isn’t converting.

Let’s Throw a few $100s into this

It’s tempting to think that a flashy, well-designed page will do all the heavy lifting.

Maybe you’ve hired a designer…

Or might have spent hours getting the layout just right, adding eye-catching graphics and cool animations.

You convince yourself that a pretty page equals more sales.

But design doesn’t sell—words do.

You don’t need fancy graphics.

Plain-text sales pages like this one do the job.

If your copy doesn’t resonate, the design is just a useless distraction.

Sure, graphics catch attention.

But if they aren’t backed by compelling words, they won’t hold it.

This sales-page writing process helps me make 6-figures a year

Let me be upfront.

I can’t promise you’ll see the same results.

But even if you achieve just a portion of what I’ve managed, wouldn’t that be worth your time?

If your answer is yes, then keep reading…

Because what I’m about to share with you is something that could transform the way you approach writing sales pages.

Imagine writing a sales page that converts—without hiring a pricey copywriter or spending weeks agonizing over every word.

And the best part?

You can get it done in just 30 minutes.

Now, before you think this is too good to be true, let me level with you.

This method isn’t magic.

It’s not about clicking a button and watching a perfect sales page appear.

It requires a bit of your brainpower.

It requires a bit of thinking – especially about your offer and audience.

But you know your audience & products better than anyone else, right?

So if you’re willing to put in 30 minutes, you can have a sales page that’s ready to go.

What I’m about to share doesn’t require you to hire expensive designers or copywriters…

It also doesn’t require you to be a tech genius.

In fact, it’s so simple that even if you’ve never written a sales page before, you can create one in just 30 minutes.

Now, you might be wondering how all this works…

How to write a high-converting sales page for digital products in 30 minutes

Writing persuasive sales pages follows a simple secret sauce.

First, you need a persuasive structure.

The best sales pages all follow a framework.

It’s not just any random order of thoughts. It’s strategic. You can’t just throw features at people and hope they’ll care.

Human psychology doesn’t work that way.

People need to be guided through a series of emotions and logical steps before they’re ready to buy.

A framework taps into these predictable patterns, creating a clear path from curiosity to commitment.

What makes them care is a step-by-step narrative that builds desire and breaks down objections.

Skip any of these steps, and your page is dead before anyone even sees the “buy” button.

Think of it as going to a fine restaurant.

You don’t start with the dessert.

You first get an appetizer, then the main course, and you close with the dessert.

It’s that simple.

Copywriters have been using the same foundational sales formulas for decades because they work.

I took their best strategies and turned them into a system tailored to digital products.

If you can follow a series of steps…

Then you can start writing persuasive sales pages.

With the right structure, you can sell anything.

Secret number 2: Using AI.

Writing a great sales page isn’t about being some genius copywriter anymore.

It’s about knowing how to give the right prompts to AI.

AI can write most of it for you if you tell it:

  • Exactly what to do
  • And how to do it

It’s all about specificity. Vague prompts give you vague results. Specific prompts give you gold.

Most people don’t know how to use AI.

They throw a random prompt in and hope for magic.

No. You need to be crystal clear.

Tell AI:

  • How to structure the page using a proven formula
  • The audience’s biggest pain points
  • The benefits they care about
  • How your product is different

When you combine the power of a persuasive structure with the efficiency of AI, you’re saving:

  • Time
  • Energy
  • And sanity

And you’ll also be making more dough.

When you do that, the sales page almost writes itself.

That’s Why I’ve Created:

30-Minute Sales Pages™

A self-paced online course to help you write sales pages for your digital products & services in just 30 minutes

Course duration: ~2 hours

The course is divided into bite-sized videos that show you exactly how to write each section of your sales page with Ai.

I’m filming my screen and holding nothing back.

It includes all the prompts.

It shows you my exact editing process.

It shows you how to make the sales page content personal and unique.


👉 The exact 11 sections each of your sales pages should include to make it persuasive and professional (and how to write them step-by-step with AI)

👉The simple tweak that makes AI-generated content sound personal and relevant to your niche… (and why most people miss this key step when using AI)

👉How to tailor the AI system to your exact offer so it feels like it was designed specifically for your audience… (even if you’re selling something completely different from the examples used in the course).

👉 Exactly how to create a unique process for your product/service that feels brand new (even when you’re using common techniques)… and how to increase your sales

👉 How to tease your product (before you reveal it) to hook your audience’s attention… (and make them eager to find out what sets your offer apart).

👉 The no-BS way to simplify your sales page creation process… (so you don’t waste hours on things that don’t matter).

👉 How to connect with the emotional side of your audience without feeling manipulative… (and why this one thing is key to boosting your sales).

👉Why not being a copywriter doesn’t mean you can’t create a killer sales page… (plus, how to craft copy that converts even if writing isn’t your strength).

👉What to say on your sales page to avoid sounding like a used car salesman… (and why being “too salesy” can hurt your chances of selling your offer).

👉How to structure your sales page in a way that keeps people glued to the screen… (even if you have no idea where to start).

👉 How to write bullet points –like these ones– in just 3 minutes (yes, they’ve been written with AI)

👉 The exact way to start each one of your sales pages to get your readers excited and make sure they lean in…

👉 And much, much, more!

You Have Two Choices:

👍 With this course:👎 Without this course
✅ Write your sales pages in 30 minutes⛔ Spend weeks writing your sales pages
✅ Launch new offers fast to see what works⛔ Launch offers slowly
✅ Monetize your content with a suite of products⛔ Only rely on 1-2 products to make money

Join Today
& Get These Exclusive Bonuses✨

BONUS 1: Read Your Audience’s Mind With AI (And Uncover Their Deep Desires)

This is an exclusive 30-minute training video that shows you exactly how to discover what your audience really wants to buy from you using Ai.

This bonus will also help you get at least 10 new product ideas to launch to your audience.

(Not sold and never taught separately)

BONUS 2: 10X Sales Multiplier

95% of the experts I work with don’t have a content problem.

  • They know what to teach.
  • They know what their audience needs.
  • They know all the problems their audience faces.

But what they don’t know is how to present their offers in a compelling and sexy way that makes their audience scream:

This masterclass solves the problem.

It shows you exactly how to come up with irresistible offers your audience wants to buy from you.

(Not sold and never taught separately)

Here’s what you’ll get:

Click Play:

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ONLY $197


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🛡️ Results Guaranteed

This Course Will Pay For Itself at least 10 times

How much do you value your time?

Let’s say $100.

And how long does it take you to write a sales page?

It took me at least 10-15 hours when I just got started (and without being sure the sales page converts!)

But with this course, you’ll be able to write your page in 30 minutes…

So if all this course did save you 4 hours, you already made your investment back.

Now, think at how much more offers you’ll be able to launch… and how much more money you’ll be able to make.

How much is a best-selling offer worth to you?

If all this course did is help you sell 2-3 courses or 1-2 coaching sessions…

It already paid for itself.


I’m using this system in my business RIGHT NOW.

Give this course a fair try.
Follow everything I teach.
Start creating your sales page for your next products. Start making first sales.

If you don’t agree that this system allows you to create persuasive sales pages faster than ever that sounds like you & that there’s a better and faster process out there…

Let me know and get your full money back.

(Proofs required to prevent fraud)

🙋 Any questions?

Hit me up: [email protected]

As Seen On:

What others say:


➡️ What’s this course all about?

It’s about writing sales pages that convert with AI

➡️ For which type of products/services does this work?

  • Ebooks
  • Workshops
  • Memberships
  • Masterclasses
  • Online courses
  • Coaching programs
  • Consulting services
  • You name it…

➡️ How many sales pages can I write with is?

Unlimited. The prompts and the process are yours for life.

➡️ What AIs does this course work with?

ChatGPT (4o gives the best results) or Claude. I suggest taking a pro-subscription because you’ll have access to the latest models without limits.

➡️ Will the copy sound like me?

Yes. Because we’ll spend a few minutes editing the output to make sure it sounds like you.

➡️ I don’t have enough product ideas?

The 2 bonuses will help you find at least 10 new product ideas you can launch.

➡️ Do I need to be good at copywriting?

Nope. I’ve done the heavy lifting for you. All you need to do is follow this system step-by-step.

➡️ Any other questions?

Shoot → matt [at] mattgiaro [dot] com

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ONLY $197


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