Tried Of Slow List Growth?

How to add 300-500
New email subscribers
to your List each month
With Substack

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Dear Friend & Subscriber,

If you want to:

  • Grow an audience
  • Build a dedicated readership from scratch…
  • And add hundreds of new names to your email list (without having to spend a dime on ads)…

Then this page will show how to build your email list your list with Substack… In just 45 minutes of simple work a day.

Can You Answer “Yes” To One of These Questions?

👉 You want to grow your audience without spending hours each day on complicated strategies.

👉 You’ve tried other platforms but building an audience feels like climbing a mountain with no end in sight.

👉 You’re looking for a simple system that lets you build an audience in just 45 minutes a day.

👉 You want to see real results from your efforts, and Substack sounds intriguing, but you’re not sure how it could work for you yet.

If you answered yes to any of the above,
read this page carefully.

The cheat code to audience building

Monetizing your ideas comes down to two things:

  1. Building an email list.
  2. Sending regular offers to your list (courses, coaching, books…)

If you can do that, you’ve cracked the code to make a living with your ideas.

But building that audience is hard.

And if there’s one thing that 15 years of running a business online has taught me…

It’s that you want to capitalize on unfair advantages.

To build an audience, there’s (almost) no way around it: you need to post content on a platform.

And all platforms are ruled by algorithms.

Every now and then, there’s a platform (or feature on a platform) that emerges and gets a massive boost in reach.

The platform wants to get more users. So it makes things easier for creators to reach more people.

It gives you a lot of reach – for a minimum amount of effort.

The word spreads. And more creators jump on the platform. An exodus starts to happen.

Some of them switch with their huge existing audiences. The platform grows.

It’s a win-win.

And it was all triggered by one thing:

An algorithm loophole

An algorithm loophole is a specific point in time where the algorithm works in your favor as a creator.

The first time I witnessed that was when Facebook rolled out business pages.

They lured business owners to be able to directly communicate with their fans. Once they’d established themselves and added millions of new users, Zuckerberg gave them the finger by tanking the reach to 6% and forcing them to buy ads.

The algorithm loophole also existed for:

  • TikTok
  • Medium
  • Twitter Threads
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Instagram Reels & Stories
  • etc…

They all had their golden hour.

Medium launched in 2015. Writers who took that early mover’s advantage built huge email lists and racked up 1,000s of dollars per article.

Today, if you’re lucky, Medium pays you $5 an article. (Still better than nothing, but PEANUTS compared to the gold rush.)

In 2016, Instagram launched Stories to counter Snapchat. If you’d been using Instagram at that time, your feed was FULL of stories. And the creators who capitalized on that got crazy reach.

In 2017, Twitter (now X) launched threads. Threads received, on average, 54% more engagement than standalone tweets. Massive growth opportunity until 2 years back.

Today, everyone who’s writing on X is posting threads. Reach is down the drain. People complain about the algorithm.

In 2020, TikTok became the #1 social media platform with short-form video content.

YouTube saw this as a threat. So they launched Shorts and gave short-creators huge boosts in visibility.

In 2022, Instagram launched Reels to compete against TikTok.

Same story.

Do you recognize a pattern?

Those who can capitalize on algorithm loopholes can build audiences faster simply because the incentives of the platforms and the creators are aligned.

Substack is the new loophole to build your audience faster in 2025

Substack has been around for a few years.

But it started seeing real traction only recently.

Independent thinkers and journalists moved over to Substack because of cancel culture, like:

  • Glenn Greenwald (formerly of The Intercept)
  • Bari Weiss (formerly of The New York Times)
  • or Matt Taibbi (famous podcaster)

Add to this that many other top writers have moved from Medium to Substack recently.

And when people like this move to a platform, their audiences move with them.

As a result, Substack has grown its readers by 150% in just 1 year:

That’s a good sign.

Because it means that the audience you can reach on Substack is getting bigger and bigger as we speak.

Every new content platform follows Roger’s bell curve:

First, you have the innovators: These are the first people to embrace it.

At this stage, there’s not enough audience to make it worthwhile – unless you want to gamble with your time.

A perfect example would be writing on Substack back in 2017 to 2019.

Second, early adopters: Reach is stupidly easy. But the platform is still not big enough to reach the masses.

Third, the early majority: This is where you get a lot of reach BUT with a LARGE amount of eyeballs. Building an audience is easy and relatively fast. It can be achieved within ~3-6 months. It’s the sweet spot between simplicity and maximum reach.

This is where you want to be.

Then, you have the late majority: It gets harder here. Building a significant audience takes longer (8-12+ months).

Finally, laggards: By this point, the platform is saturated. It’s very difficult to stand out and reach new people unless you’re willing to post for at least 12-16 months. That’s the case with platforms like YouTube.

Now, there are always exceptions to this rule.

But in general, this is how it goes.

Do you want to play the game in hard or easy mode?

There’s no merit in playing it on hard mode unless you’re a masochist.

And you know what? That’s fine with me. You’re free to play whatever games you want in the mode you want…

But if you want the easy way…

Then one of the best ways is to identify and use new content platforms when they’re in the “Early Adopters” or “Early Majority” stages.

Why Substack is a game-changer

Substack is a platform built for creators.

Think of Substack as if an autoresponder, Medium, and X/Twitter had a baby.

You can create a free account and:

  • post short-form content (X/Twitter),
  • post articles (Medium),
  • and also build your list (autoresponder) at the same time and take advantage of the early majority momentum.

1. Easy reach

Let me say it again: Substack is in the early majority section. (Got it by now?)

Substack is growing rapidly, but it’s still in its early days.

This is when you have the best chance of growing your audience quickly and easily – which makes it the place to be right now.

The platform is being flooded with new readers every day, and they’re hungry for fresh voices.

That means less competition for creators who start now.

The sooner you get in, the more space you have to stand out before the platform becomes more saturated.

How much longer are you willing to watch others grow their audiences while you’re stuck on platforms that don’t reward your hard work?

2. You own your audience

Substack is built from the ground up as creator-friendly.

You own your subscriber lists and content.

As an example, you can’t export your subscribers on YouTube, Facebook, or whatever other platform.

3. Built-in growth tools (and improvement frenzy)

Substack wants to lure in more creators.

So it’s constantly improving and adding more features almost every week.

As they’re testing new things, they also give you more reach to see whether or not the features pay off.

Back in August, Substack started to push the “media tab.”

What it allows you to do is to publish, well, media like videos or podcasts.

Not only that…

With Substack, other creators can recommend your newsletter so you can grow not only by doing the work with your bare hands…

But also by profiting from what other creators are doing to grow their newsletters.

Here’s an example, of one of my colleagues Matt Barker (a social media copywriter with over 150,000 LinkedIn followers) who recommends my emails and sends me free subscribers every day:

4. Simple monetization

Substack allows you to monetize your newsletter with built-in features.

Even though I don’t recommend it – for some people this might just be the easiest way to monetize their writing.

5. High-quality subscribers

When building your audience, not all platforms are created equal.

Unlike social media, Substack readers… read.

But that’s not all. Many newsletters on Substack are paid. Which means that a portion of these readers also pay for reading.

So appealing to readers who read… and also are okay to pay for reading makes all the difference. Especially if you want to monetize your work!

Last but not least…

When someone subscribes to your Substack, they are using their REAL email.

Which means that you’re also building a LEGIT email list with REAL emails.

Is this too good to be true? Absolutely.

So in full honesty…

I don’t know HOW LONG this loophole will last

I think we have a good 6-12 month window in front of us.

Perhaps longer.

But as with every algorithm loophole cycle repeating itself, this gold rush will ultimately come to an end.

I created my Substack account back in 2022.

But I only started to take it seriously in July 2024.

In the first days, growth was slow.

I used to get 3 subscribers per day. But still better than publishing into the void like on X or YouTube!

So even if it’s not mind-blowing… still better than publishing into the void like on X or YouTube!

The best part?

It took me perhaps 5-10 mins of ‘work’ per day to post a short piece of content and recycle my Medium articles.

Now, here’s the thing…

Growing on Substack is simple when you know how to do it RIGHT.

Do you know how Substack (really) works?

Learning a new platform is always daunting.

You might feel lost. You’re not sure how to get started, what features to use, or how to make your newsletter stand out in a sea of other creators.

It’s like you’ve been handed the keys to a car without knowing how to drive.

To take advantage of Substack you still need to learn this crucial skill

Even though Substack is a great opportunity right now, the rules of the game remain the same:

You need to know how to post content that attracts an audience.

New writers are jumping on the platform every day. Most of them are newbies.

But if you know how to write content that attracts your audience, you get a head start.

Even though the algorithm rewards you with massive reach, it won’t push garbage.

You also need to post consistently.

But if you’re like any of my clients, your life is already busy. And you’re not swimming in extra time.

So, content creation might be this looming chore that you put off.

And once you start skipping days, it’s easy to justify skipping more.

This inconsistency doesn’t just affect your audience growth — it affects you. You lose momentum. You start feeling guilty for not doing more, and that guilt turns into avoidance.

You won’t build an audience if your content is erratic.

Your audience isn’t going to grow if you show up once a week or every full moon.

The longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to dig yourself out of the hole.

So you need a system.

A system that both allows you to create content that gets you noticed, consistently.

Each day, I’m adding 16+ subscribers to my email list with Substack

Which means that each month, I add ~500 new subscribers to my email list.

In just 4 months, this means 2,000 email subscribers.

With only 1,000 subscribers…

You could start making a few hundred – or even thousand dollars by launching your own digital products…

With 2,000 subscribers it could generate a full-time income.

It took me 2,216 email subscribers to start making $5,000+ a month.

For most people, this is a full-time living.

But I want to be clear with you.

I can’t promise you’ll get the same results.

Because it requires a solid strategy and system. And in my first month on Substack, I grew by 3 subscribers per day. (That’s still 90 subscribers per month.)

But I didn’t have a system.

Now, with my Substack system in place, my growth is starting to pick up.

Even though I’m new to substack, I’m not new to content creation. I only had to make a few tweaks to my toolbox.

It took me years to become good at creating content and developing my systems.

Imagine being able to grow your audience & email list by only 10 subscribers per day…

With just 45 minutes of work each day.

Yes, you read that right.

In 45 minutes, you could have a solid email list-building system that brings in subscribers like clockwork.

But let me warn you upfront:

This method isn’t magic. (There’s still a bit of thinking and writing involved.)

So, if you’re looking for a shortcut that requires zero effort, this isn’t for you.

But it does have a few key benefits like:

✅ It’s fast: You won’t need to spend days (or weeks) writing. You can get it done in under 45 minutes per day

✅ It’s practical: You don’t need to be a tech wizard or a social media pro to make this work. It’s simple enough for anyone to follow, even if you’re just starting out on Substack.

✅ It’s simple and easy: You won’t need to post on every platform to grow your audience. Instead, you’ll focus on high-impact strategies that bring real subscribers, not just stupid scrollers.

✅ It’s scalable: Once you’ve got it running, this system will help you steadily grow your audience while freeing up your time to focus on what really matters — writing content that resonates.

Now, you might be wondering how all this is possible.

Let me show you exactly how you can simplify your Substack strategy to build your audience & grow your email list base in your spare time…

Growing on Substack is simple

Growing on Substack comes down to two things:

1/ Long-form articles

2/ Short-form posts called Notes.

That’s it (I told you it’s simple…)

First, let’s talk about long-form articles.

Substack is mainly a blogging platform like Medium. When people subscribe to your Substack, they’re automatically going to get your blog post delivered straight to their inbox (and Substack apps).

Substack readers are blog post readers.

That’s the ideal audience for us writers.

So the skill of writing engaging blog posts is not only going to help you on Substack…

But throughout your whole creating/writing career.

But articles alone aren’t enough.

That’s where Substack Notes come into play.

Think of Notes as Substack’s version of X/Twitter:

You can post short-form content and interact with others.

Most people on Substack are just focused on their long-form content. But Notes give you MORE visibility for LESS time.

It lets you engage and get discovered without having to pump out full articles every day.

Also, the average lifespan of a note is a few days (compared to a few hours/minutes on other platforms.)

I have notes popping up in my feed (and getting engagement) for up to 7 days!

How to grow your email list with just 45 minutes On Substack

Here’s the game plan I want you to follow:

  • Post 1 note a day
  • Post 1 blog post per week
  • & interact with 10 other creators each day

Now let’s break this down even further:

Writing a note takes roughly 5 minutes. That’s 35 minutes of writing per week.

Writing an article roughly takes 60 minutes. (Remember, you only have to write 1 a week.)

And interacting with 10 other creators roughly 20-30 minutes each day.

In total, that’s 3-4 hours of work per week. Or 45 minutes per day.

Do you have 45 minutes to grow your email list?

Perhaps you might be a bit itchy about the amount of time it takes to write a note in 5 minutes.. or an article in 60 minutes.

But these are VERY conservative numbers.

It’s totally feasible when you have the right templates, strategies, and prompts.

Now you could come up with everything on your own, studying other creators on the platform and waste dozens of hours and weeks doing that…

Or you can simply copy my system and have it up and running in the next few days.

And that’s why I’ve created…

That’s Why I’ve Created:

The Substack System

A self-paced online course to help you grow on Substack in just 45 minutes a day and add 300-500 email subscribers to your list each month.

Course duration: ~3 hours

The course is divided into bite-sized videos that show you exactly how to grow your list with Substack.

I’m filming my screen and holding nothing back.

🔥 Module 1: How To Create A Magnetic Substack Publication & Bio To Attract Email Subscribers

👉 How to come up with the perfect name for your Substack publication

👉 The single biggest mistake Substack creators make when naming their publication… (and how to avoid it)

👉The simple rule for creating a professional, polished Substack that looks like it was built by a top content creator… without blowing your budget on design.. and without spending hours overthinking it.

👉How to use AI to generate eye-catching visuals that make your Substack stand out… (and the exact step-by-step process to do it without being an artist)

👉What top Substack creators do to make their publications visually cohesive and impossible to ignore… (and how you can do it without spending hours on design)

👉The totally counterintuitive way to stop worrying about perfectionism and focus on just getting your content out there… even if you’re starting from scratch.

👉 The one sentence you must include in both your profile and publication descriptions to make sure people follow your work (and why it’s critical to keep them aligned)

👉 How to write a Substack bio that grabs attention at the first glance… (and the reason why most bios fail on Substack)

👉 How to make your email subscribers almost instantly hit the “subscribe button” in less than 150 characters.

👉 How to set up your Substack publication in less than 5 minutes… And EXACTLY how to make it look professional and all the best practices literally “copy” and paste (Substack’s “out of the box” settings are terrible and confuse your readers.)

🗒️ Module 2: How To Grow With Substack Notes

👉 How to create short-form content without feeling overwhelmed… (even if the thought of writing short pieces stresses you out).

👉 A sneaky way to turn your articles into notes in 2 minutes (without the need to use AI)

👉 Why most people burn out creating content daily (and the secret trick to avoid it and make sure you post every day… With less than 45 minutes of work each week.)

👉 The dirty little secret to creating five variations of a single post… (that no one’s talking about but everyone should be using)

👉 How to (ethically) turn other people’s successful posts into your own winning variations with a very specific 336-word prompt)

📝 Module 3: Write Long-Form Substack Content (That Doesn’t Suck)

👉 A total newbie-proof way to write headlines that get clicks

👉 How to write better headlines that attract your ideal readers and get more shares (without being clickbaity)

👉 The number #1 mistakes most newbie writers do… that make their articles go unnoticed.

👉 The exact outlining method to turn your articles into emails, book chapters, and even course lessons

👉 How to subtly persuade your readers to read your writing, spark engagement, and ultimately buy your infoproducts by using the IMPACT™ framework

👉 How to turn one article into 3,5 or even 10 articles with the same “ideas” while holding your audience’s laser-focused attention in the process

👉 The easiest (and also fastest) way to outline your medium story for maximum engagement and success

👉 Why you never want to write and edit at the same time (and the exact amount of time you should leave between these tasks to produce content that people rave about)

👉 The 3-step template to write introductions that hook your readers (and increase your read time & earnings)

👉 The 6 elements to weave into your articles to make your writing addictive…so readers can’t put them down and are looking for their next fix

👉 The 5 types of images you can use to illustrate your articles like a pro and stand out

💰 Module 4: How To Monetize Your Substack

👉 The right way to monetize your substack (and why it’s not with paid subscriptions!)

👉 Why you should NOT turn out Substack monetization when you’re just getting started (and what to do instead)

👉 The (probably) untold truth about Substack’s “5-10% conversion rate” claim… and why blindly believing it could cost you thousands in lost revenue

👉 How to avoid the “membership trap” that causes most creators to discount their way into poverty (and what to offer instead that your audience will happily pay premium prices for)

👉 The “insult” hidden in Substack’s membership model that could be driving away your most loyal subscribers (and how to fix it without leaving the platform)

👉 Why treating your newsletter like a book could be sabotaging your income potential (and the simple “repackaging” trick that can 10x your revenue)

👉 The counterintuitive “free content strategy” that builds a more profitable audience than any paid newsletter (even if you’re starting from zero)

👉 The “truncated content” template that turns free readers into paid subscribers (without making them feel like you’re holding back your best stuff)

👉 How to ethically launch paid offers with Substack (without insulting your existing customers or burning out your list)

👉 And much, much, more!

You Have Two Choices:

👍 With this course:👎 Without this course
✅ Grow your email list & Substack⛔ Struggle to grow your list
✅ Build an audience you can monetize⛔ Struggle to monetize your work
✅ Only requires 45 minutes per day (3-4 hours a week!)⛔ Spent 2-3 hours creating content each day on other platforms that are SATURATED

Join Today
& Get These Exclusive Bonuses✨

BONUS 1: RADICALLY UNIQUE: How to stand out in even the most competitive niches full of gurus & AI bots

This is an exclusive online course video that shows you exactly how to stand out (even if your niche is crowded.)

This course is going to sell $97.00 on my website once I’ll launch it next month – you’ll get it for free.

(The course will be released next month – November 2024.)

BONUS 2: My secret in-house Chrome Extension to get (ethically) more substack subscribers.

I’ve built a Chrome extension to grow on Substack faster. I can’t say much about it publicly. But it’s something I’m using personally to grow my list with QUALIFIED subs from Substack.

I don’t know if I’m going to release this extension publicly or not. Because it’s so powerful that in the wrong hands, it can do a lot of harm.

But what I know is that as a student of this course, you’ll get private access to the extension for free.

All I’ll ask you is to keep it for yourself & use it ethically.

It’ll save you HOURS each month.

BONUS 3: The automation to automatically import your Substack subscribers into your autoresponder (like Kit, MailerLite, Beehiiv, etc.)

I mentioned it in one of my emails… I would not rely on Substack alone as an autoresponder. The options are way too limited.

You still want to use an autoresponder to send your emails and pitch your offers.

So, please… Don’t make the mistake of not copying your Substack subscribers straight onto your email list…

Substack does not natively integrate with other auto responders so unless you manually want to copy and paste your subscribers like a monkey…

I’m going to show you how to build this automation from scratch so that it does it for you automatically!

With this automation, you’ll save at least 30 minutes per week (so you can do things more fun than copying and pasting)

Here’s what you’ll get:

Click Play:

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Join Today


ONLY $197


🔐 ✅ Secure Checkout
🛡️ Results Guaranteed

This Course Will Pay For Itself at least 10 times

Reason 1: Value Your Time

Figuring out Substack on your own might sound like a good idea, but think about how many hours you’d waste testing what works and what doesn’t.

How much do you value your time?

Even if you value your time at $50/hour…

Spending months spinning your wheels could easily cost you $1,000 or more in lost time.

This course condenses years of knowledge into a simple system you can start using today.

It saves you the frustration and gets you results faster.

Reason 2: How much is a profitable email list worth to you?

What separates creators who make money from those who don’t is their email list.

When you buy ads, you typically pay $2-4 one email subscriber.

So if all this course helped you is getting 100 email subscribers it would already have paid for itself!

100% Growth Guarantee

Fill Your List with 500 Subscribers Or Your Money Back

I’m using this system in my business RIGHT NOW.

Give this course a fair try.
Follow everything I teach.
Start posting on Substack.

If after 90 days of applying this system ruthlessly, you can’t get at least 500 subscribers onto your email list…

Let me know and get your full money back.

(Proofs required to prevent fraud)

🙋 Any questions?

Hit me up: [email protected]

As Seen On:

What others say:


Q: What is this course about?
➡️ A: It shows you how to grow your email list using Substack in just 45 minutes a day.

➡️ Q: How long will it take to see results?
A: It depends on how consistently you apply the method. You can start seeing your first email subscribers in 14 days.

➡️ Q: Do I need any previous experience with Substack?
A: No, this course is beginner-friendly.

➡️ Q: What’s the difference between this course and The 100k Online Writing System?
A: They are different but also have some slight overlap.

The 100k Online Writing System shows you a complete system to monetize your writing. It also focuses on Medium to start getting email subscribers.

The Substack System shows you how to specifically use Substack to grow your list. It’s more specific on Substack tactics (which includes Notes.) The overlap in those courses resides in how to write blog posts (Module 3) That’s why I’m offering a discount for the Substack System to those who are already enrolled in The 100k Online Writing System.

➡️ Q: What if I don’t have an audience yet?
A: That’s great. Because this course helps you build an audience from scratch.

➡️ Q: What kind of content should I write on Substack?
A: Long-form content and using Notes are key strategies taught in the course.

➡️ Q: How do I stand out from other creators on Substack?
A: The course bonuses will help you stand out (even if your market is crowded.)

➡️ Q: Will this course teach me how to monetize my Substack?
A: Yes, it covers strategies for turning subscribers into paying customers.

➡️ Q: Is this course suitable if I already have a Substack?
A: Yes, it’s designed to help you grow no matter what stage you’re at.

➡️ Q: Can I access the course content immediately?
A: Yes, once you purchase, you get instant access.

➡️ Q: Can I take this course if I’m not a great writer?
A: Yes, the course is designed to work even if you don’t consider yourself a professional writer.

➡️ Q: What if I don’t have time?
A: The course is built for people with limited time. You only need 45 minutes a day. But if you can’t make 45 minutes a day to grow your business, do NOT buy.

➡️ Q: What skills do I need to take this course?
A: You only need basic writing skills, expertise to write about, and the willingness to learn (and apply).

➡️ Q: Do I need to be tech-savvy?
A: No, Substack is user-friendly, and the course breaks everything down for you.

➡️ Any other questions?

Shoot → matt [at] mattgiaro [dot] com

Join Today


ONLY $197


🔐 ✅ Secure Checkout
🛡️ Results Guaranteed

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Even though this course uses the Substack name its logo please keep in mind that this course is not a part of the Substack website or Substack Inc. Additionally, this site/course is not endorsed by Substack in any way.
Substack and its logo are trademarks of Substack, Inc.